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“Are they dating?” I ask Mabel.

“No,” Grier and Anise say at the same time.

“Not yet,” one of the guys replies.

“I’m actually not feeling that great. I think that I’ll call it an early night and head home,” Anise says, standing in a hurry and almost upending the table.

“I drove her here so I should make sure that she gets home okay,” Grier says.

“I’ll take her,” on of the guy says and Anise shakes her head.

“That’s okay.”

“I insist.”

He stands, taking her hand and half dragging her out of the diner.

“Should we stop him?” Alder asks, looking concerned.

“Uh,” Grier starts, but before she can say anything, the other guy is dropping some bills on the table and half dragging, half carrying her out of the diner.

“Do you want me to stop them?” I ask Mabel.

She seems unconcerned with what just happened and she shakes her head.

“No, they’ve been half in love with those guys since they moved to town. It’s about time they stopped dancing around each other.”

I just nod and dig into my own food. Romer wakes up a few minutes later and Mabel reluctantly hands him back to Snow. The conversation turns to kids. Mabel wants to know everyone’s due dates, if they have names picked out yet, and what design they did for the nurseries.

“Just one check,” our waitress asks and Ledger speaks up before I can stop him.

“Yes, and I’ll take care of it.”

She drops the check off with him and I roll my eyes. I should have known that he would do that. Ledger is too generous but only with those he cares about. I only wish that I had some way of paying him back for all that he’s done for me.

I help Mabel box up her food and Grier and Anise’s. She wants to bring it to work tomorrow for them. We say our good nights and I smile as Mabel hugs everyone goodbye. It seems that everyone loves her, just like I knew they would.

I drive Mabel home and pull into the parking spot next to her car.

“Do you want to come up?” she asks me, her eyes half lidded.

She looks like a siren and I’m a sailor, destined to crash along the rocky coast, but I can’t resist her. I don’t want to resist her.

“Yeah, I should probably help you carry up all of that food,” I say, grabbing the bag of takeout containers from her lap.

She just grins and takes my hand as I help her out.

“My hero,” she whispers and I grin.

I’m finding that I don’t mind being called a hero. Not when it’s her who’s saying it.

I take her hand in mine and she grins up at me as we head toward her front door.



Jonah ison me as soon as we are inside my apartment and I moan as his lips claim mine.
