Page 142 of Flame True

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“River Stone is actually on Mulberrry now. I’ll call him.”

Nick half waved and raced out of the conference room, his thoughts zeroed on getting Mulberry in his arms.

* * *

At the hotel, Nick ran past camera crews, almost colliding with the giant frame of River Stone’s.

“Hey, I need to get my girl,” he said.

“You’re not going to like this. There is no elevator service to the top floor. There are four big guys out Emma’s door- the receptionist told me the crew isn’t happy about being locked out, and these morans called a locksmith,” River gestured behind the desk.

“That’s what we do when the door needs to be open,” the receptionist blinked at them. “Mr. Peirce told us his daughter was playing a game, and he was tired of her attitude and his staff needed to get in.”

“Emma isn’t playing a game. She feels threatened by the people you are going to let in.” Nick didn’t realize he was yelling until the woman backed up against the shelf on the other side of her desk.

The woman shook her head at him. “Sorry, there isn’t anything I can do.”

Nick marched from the receptionist’s desk to the exit door by the elevator, stabbing his phone, hoping to connect to Mulberry.

“We could take those guys,” River said. “I have backup.”

“They’re here now,” Nick said.

Logan, Quinn and Erik strolled in, Finn and Janette behind them.

“I could have called my own people.”

“You’re not getting territorial on this, okay? That’s my girl in there, and I don’t know who those guys are outside the door. She isn’t answering her phone.”

River put his hands up, placating.

“We need to get into Emma’s room. There are four guys and one woman up there, and we need to get in before they do.”

“Got it,” Quinn said.

“We could climb the exterior. There’s a small balcony from one of the rooms.” Logan offered.

Nick’s head wasn’t clear.

He would be okay with marching up there and pummeling his way through those guys and that woman, but he had a charge to look after.

The most important thing was a straightforward way to her, in and out with the least amount of damage possible, leaving as little footprints as possible – that was Team Stealth’s operating protocol.

“The locksmith,” River said, pointing to a man with a toolbox.

“Hell no,” Nick went to charge towards him.

“We got this,” Finn said, glancing at Janette. “Oh yeah.”

“I’m going with Logan to climb,” Nick said.

“Guess that means these two are with me,” River said. “Let’s go.”

“Go get her,” Erik slapped Nick’s back as he passed.

Nick tried calling her again and got the dial tone.

“Yep, let’s go,” Logan said.
