Page 148 of Flame True

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“I can’t believe it just ends like that! Do you know how much time we spent together? And I’m supposed to walk away?”

“As far as Axis Management is concerned, case closed. Our contract is ended, and Grace Stevens is happy with our services and doesn’t require them further.”

“Come on, Xander! You never let things go this easily.”

“I can’t force someone to want bodyguarding-which we don’t even provide anymore-if they don’t want it, Nick.”

Nick leaned back in his seat, his heart hammering.

So he was just supposed to walk away from Mulberry? The thought of not seeing her again stabbed his heart in half.

“I’m sure Henri has lots of work to keep you busy.”

“Yeah, the old man is losing it,” Nick said.

Xander’s lips upturned in almost a smile.

“He called me frantic because he thought one of our most trusted employees was stealing. It turns out her dad gave her an old memory stick of family photos, and she was going to print them after work.”

“I imagine Henri is on edge since the tracking technology theft.”

“How do you know about that?”

Xander shrugged. Nick rolled his eyes. Knowing things is what made Xander the badass he was.

“Yes, I know we’ll call you. What am I supposed to do now?”

“Go home? Write a new program just for fun?”

“Yeah. I’m not happy about this, Xander.”

“I don’t think there is anything you can do about it. Unless you call Mulberry.”

He stood up like a rocket. “And what?”

Xander shrugged. “Tell her you don’t know what to do without her.

“That’s not it!”

Now the bastard did smile, kind of. “It was only a suggestion. What do I know?” Xander tugged Harper over his lap, and she giggled.

“Night,” Nick said and stormed out.

He did not need to call Mulberry and tell her how he felt. She knew. And now that she had chosen this media storm, there wasn’t a way he could wade in, and even if there was, what would he do? Xander was right. Their services were no longer needed, and she made it clear she didn’t want to hear from him.

At home, he let himself in, smelling her floral scent immediately. He picked up a sweater of hers and sniffed it before balling it up and throwing it across the room. Her clothes, shoes and make-up were here. Her organic oat milk in the fridge.

He took out a box from the closet and started collecting her stuff.

She didn’t want him, okay.

He’ll deal.

He swallowed, his throat tight as he picked up the keychain with the Misfit Paw’s Rescue logo.

He thumbed it for a moment before throwing it into the box.

With Mulberry, he felt he could actually be himself, but the cold truth was that none of it was real.
