Page 33 of Flame True

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He held the door open for her. She patted his arm as she passed him. “Where are we going?”

Nick didn’t answer until they were out of the building, in his car in the underground parking, and he didn’t miss how not answering her immediately annoyed her.

She glared at him, and he smirked, not letting her know that he knew she was glaring at him.

“We are going to the hotel where the gala is being held tomorrow night for brunch. My mother will be busy with last-minute things, and my father will tell me who I need to talk to and who to keep away from. The media might be there to get a sneak peek at our swag bags.”

“What’s in the swag bag?”

Nick grinned. “You’re going to have to wait and see.”

“Come on! I don’t even like using tech all that much.”

“Yes, you do” Nick’s lips twitched. Mulberry was constantly on her phone.

“Seriously, I’m not great at computers.”

“That doesn’t mean anything. You use your phone all the time. That’s tech.”

“Okay, but it’s not an interest.”

Nick laughed. “It doesn’t have to be an interest to want, need, use it.”

“Kind of like you. I want your service, I need it, and I use it. You’re my personal tech,” her pink tongue poked out between her lips.

Nick shifted in his seat, remaining silent until they got to the hotel by the harbour.

Finally, he parked and came around to open Mulberry’s door.

“Let’s go. There is a chance you’ll be recognized here.”

Mulberry frowned, placed her hand in his, and he walked beside her, scanning the parking lot. He recognized Laurent Industries’ public relations team members at the doors and waved.

Inside the hotel, a violinist played softly by the windows. The elevators pinged almost constantly, but the lobby itself was empty.

“Hello,” Nick nodded to the man behind the desk. “I’m with Laurent Industries.”

“Yes, they are in the ballroom,” the man gestured.

Nick smiled and got in line for the elevator.

Mulberry stood closer to him, and after a moment of hesitating, he put his hand on the small of her back.

“It’s a very glam place.”

A group of women rushed by, and Mulberry twisted her fingers, looking down.

“The perfect place for the grand event my mother envisioned,” Nick said.

She nodded, her curtain of red hair covering her face.

“Hey,” Nick placed his hand on her back, seeing her fidget. “Tell me if this gets too much, and I’ll get us out of here.”

“Okay,” Mulberry smiled slightly like she was trying to convince herself she could do this, which pulled his Dom into protective mode. Even if he disagreed with her plan.

Even if he didn’t like her.

But you do, the voice in the back of his mind whispered.
