Page 53 of Flame True

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“This is where you live?” The garage was polished stone, smooth and gleaming.

She couldn’t wait to see inside the building.

“Would you rather a shack?” Nick asked. “I’m close to everything here.”

“Yeah, I can see that.”

She preferred her house, outside of the city.

“I should have realized,” Nick mumbled.

“Realized what?”

He glanced at her, ran his hand through his tampered-down curls and shook his head. “You’re a charge. I shouldn’t talk to you.”

“You treat your charges like objects, I remember.” She snapped her seatbelt off and opened her car door. “Is this something you’d share with a girlfriend?”

“I don’t have girlfriends,” he sighed. “It just occurred to me why my father insisted on giving me this condo. It’s a bribe.”

He said it like a curse, and Mulberry laughed.

“So you aren’t opposed to charity after all.”

The look he sent her could cut glass.

She returned it without flinching. “Show me your swanky place, lover.”

He came around the car door, and she was startled when he put his palm on the middle of her back. “You never know who is watching. This is private property, but celebs live in the building, and the media has been known to camp out here.”

His breath on her ear made her shiver. She nodded and followed him into the wide glass doors, stepping onto the stone quartz floor to the elevator banks.

The lobby with its soft lighting from the crystal chandelier, the wainscoting and the elegant seating area with a concierge behind a curving desk, out of view of the heavy wooden door.

She could have been in any high-end hotel. The elevator doors silently glided open.

“Come on.”

Inside the black and glass elevator, Mulberry played with the strap of her clutch, her nerves unsettled.

The smoothest elevator ever, the doors glided open in no time, opening to a hallway of dark hardwood.

Nick briskly ahead of her.

“And you call me spoiled and rich? How much is your condo, twenty million?”

Nick shook his head and strode ahead.

Right, they were in private now, so he was going to be a complete dick.

Nick whirled by her, punching in a code to open his door.

“Oh my god. You are batman.” Mulberry bit her lip at the stupid comment, but the door automatically opened, which was impressive.

He took off his shoes the moment the toe of his black dress shoes touched his natural stone flooring.

“Take your shoes off,” Nick said.

“Do you say that to all the girls you bring home?”
