Page 65 of Flame True

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Grace and the two bodyguards she was with came through the doors a moment later.

In the elevator, Grace squeezed her hand.

On the first floor, the bodyguards led them to a conference room. Unlike the boring one she’d been in previously, this one had black walls and, oddly, a kitchen table and chairs. Xander nodded at them as they came in.

“Do you want us to stay?” The male bodyguard asked.

“Yes, you and Janette should hear this,” Xander said. “Grace, Mulberry. How are you holding up?”

“We’re fine, Xander,” Grace smiled. “My sister and her friend are shaken up by the attempted break-in.”

“I have news, which is why I called you all here. Take a seat.”

They all sat, Mulberry next to her mom and Nick.

“Have you seen this man before?” Xander passed them a large photo of a well-built man with closely cropped hair.

It could look like any of the guys that work for Axis Management. She swallowed the thought. Obviously, this wasn’t the time to make jokes.

“No, I haven’t noticed him,” Nick said.

“Not familiar,” Janette said.

“Grace?” Finn asked.

“No…I don’t think so. The picture is kind of dark. This man tried to break into Cynthia’s?”

Xander tapped the photo with his knuckles. “As it turns out, he is a licensed electrician who was returning home from an emergency. The police are satisfied with the story. I am not. Please be extra vigilant.”

“You know we will,” Finn said.

Anxiety clawed deep in Mulberry’s stomach.

Now there was no way to know if someone was out to take her or if it was just a coincidence? She swallowed, tasting acid in her mouth.

“Well, this is very exciting for the wrong reasons,” Grace said. “I wish there was something more definitive.”

“Yes, so do I,” Mulberry said.

Grace reached over and squeezed her hand. “I know this is hard. Xander, Mulberry and I discussed giving it another week and then evaluating the current plan.”

“Yes, I think that’s a good course. Call me if you need anything, both of you,” Xander said. “Meanwhile, go on as if everything is as normal as possible.”

“Thanks, Xander,” Grace said. “We appreciate your attention to detail.”

Mulberry murmured a goodbye, not being able to speak through her anxiety.

Grace’s phone buzzed, and she fumbled in her purse.

“Sorry, I got to go.”

“We’re coming with you,” Janette said.

“Mom, everything okay?”

“Yeah, I just forgot I had an interview tonight. They want me to comment on the grocery store thing.”

“Sorry,” Mulberry felt her cheeks grow hot.
