Page 85 of Flame True

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Thankfully, Mulberry had finished the interview and was shaking the director’s hand.

“We got to go, ma belle,” Nick murmured in her ear.

A slight tremble shot through her, and he gripped her arm, leading her out.

The crowd was whisked away to the design studio, clearing their way to the back door.

“Sorry! You can’t go through that way!” A security guard stepped in front of the back door.

“Why not?” Nick asked.

“Something’s faulty with the wiring. If you open the backdoor, the sprinklers will trip.”

“Seriously?” Nick reached out, touching the bar.

“Sir, don’t. Look, those were my orders, okay?”

“Nick, I don’t want him to lose his job.”

“Okay,” Nick swung Mulberry around, marching her out of the studio, down a long hallway, with pictures of Growing Threads products on the walls, towards the front door. “We got to get out of here.”

“Can you slow down?” Mulberry stopped, a foot from the door.

Nick crunched his molars. “Why can’t you follow orders?”

“I didn’t think it was an order.”

“There is media outside. Waiting for you or the director, we don’t know.”

She tilted her head to the side, her grey-blue eyes calm. “What else?”

“Why do you think there is something else?” Inches from her mouth, and all he could think of was how her velvety lips felt.

“You’re tense. There is always media with us. That’s the point, right? What aren’t you telling me.”

Nick glanced away.

She raised her eyebrows, playfully swatting his chest. “I knew it.”

“Let’s go,” Nick tugged her arm.

“Not until you tell me what’s going on.” Mulberry crossed her arms over her chest.

Nobody on the planet irritated him like this woman did.

He wanted to throw her over his shoulder and march her out.

“Stone Security thinks the guy who was seen on Cynthia’s property is here.”

The colour drained from Mulberry’s face, and Nick hated his harsh tone.

He wished he had kept his mouth shut.

“Nothing is confirmed. Come on, Mulberry, let’s go.”

She nodded. Nick briskly walked them towards the front door, flinging it open to light rain.

“Mulberry! Mulberry, is it true that you and Nick got married in Vegas?”
