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“I brought Liam a coffee too,” Tiffany shared as we ate. Unlike us, he’d been whisked back to Andre straight away, thanks to health insurance documents showing him as the spouse and next-of-kin. “He said Andre’s awake and giving the staff heck for all the tests they want to run. They’re hopeful it was a minor cardiac event and not an actual heart attack or blockage. You saved his life by getting him out of there.”

“Good.” My voice sounded rough, throat painfully dry despite the water. Jealousy, that thick, toxic emotion, blotted out everything else like relief. Liam got to be with Andre, got to see him and touch him, while I…

I waited.

“Malik’s going to be okay too.” Tiffany patted my knee.

“We don’t know that.” The jealousy and pointless anger made me snappy, far snappier than Tiffany deserved. “Sorry.”

“Positive thinking never hurts,” she said pointedly. She’d pulled on an oversized hoodie on our way to the car, leaving her with the dancehall dress on bottom, hair a mess. She looked nothing like her usual glamorous self, and I awkwardly patted her back. She was being an amazing friend, one I probably didn’t deserve right then.

“I know. I just wish…” I trailed off because there were so many wishes clogging my brain, overflowing my heart, things I could barely voice to God, let alone her. “Wish we knew more.”

“You could tell them you’re family or that you’re his—”

I raised a hand to cut her off. “I don’t want to lie.”

“Well, okay then.” Tiffany made a frustrated noise. We’d already told the clerk at the information desk that we were Malik’s friends. A new clerk was on duty, but for all Malik’s joking about us being clones, no one was gonna buy me as a sibling. And as for anything else, well, it didn’t seem fair to claim that, not when we’d agreed to keep things quiet and not when I’d run away from any future talk. Beyond fairness, worry made my neck tight and my fist clench around the sandwich wrapper. What if Malik would be upset if I lied my way back to him? Maybe he wouldn’t want that. Wouldn’t want me.

I groaned. “Fuck. I’m a mess. I’m sorry. You’ve been great.”

“It’s okay.” Tiffany gently removed the sandwich from my grasp and replaced it with her hand, holding mine tight. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Way too close to tears again, all I could do was nod. Still holding her hand tight, I let my head fall back, eyes shut. Not sleeping. Simply existing, one moment to the next.


I startled at the sound of my name. It might have been fifteen minutes, might have been two hours. I had no clue, only that it was still the middle of the night and Duncan was standing in front of me.

“Duncan?” I blinked a couple of times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. “What are you doing here?”

“I caught the first flight after Keely called.” He looked it too, none of his usual sharp wardrobe. Sweatshirt with the navy logo and athletic pants, like we’d interrupted him mid-workout. Probably had. And irrationally, his presence made me angrier. What had Keely told him? What didn’t I know yet? Was Malik dying?

“Malik’s gonna be pissed at all the fuss.” I tried to laugh, but it came out as surly as my voice. “And they’re not letting him have visitors. We don’t know much.”

The last bit was physically painful to admit, a ringing in my ears, head pounding with everything I didn’t know. Helplessness hurt.

“I’m gonna see if I have better luck finding something out.” Duncan reached out and squeezed my shoulder. “And, Avery? I didn’t only come for Malik. You’re both my men. I wasn’t going to let you go through this alone.”

“Oh.” I had to take several shuddery breaths. Damn. Good thing I was already sitting as I felt his words square in my chest. Humbled. Honored. Unworthy. All I could do was mumble thanks before he strode away from our corner of the waiting room in search of more information.

Keely, her girlfriend, and Cole arrived almost as soon as Duncan left. Maybe we were closer to the morning than I’d thought. I was fast losing all track of time. Tiffany hugged all three of them.

“Is the fire out?” Tiffany asked as everyone found seats.

“Yes. Thank God.” Keely and her director girlfriend looked like they’d been to battle: dusty, rumpled, ashen faces, hollow eyes. “No casualties. Minor injuries, mainly. Several buildings were total losses, but the rural fire service got the fire contained. Small blessings. We haven’t slept, but we couldn’t leave you two here alone.”

“Thanks.” I swallowed hard. I couldn’t even glance at Cole, but luckily, Tiffany asked the other big question.

“Are the horses…?”

“They’re back at the ranch.” Cole stretched his long legs out in front of him, grizzled face even more worn than usual. He too was rumbled and sooty. “I wanted to come and say…” His deep voice wavered. “Sorry. So sorry.”

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