Page 112 of Blood Money

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I just need one last thing—proper confirmation. What I’m about to do is dangerous for more reasons than one, and I need to be sure. All my other leads have come up short. Though Vance has been able to prove that the bug belongs to Cassidy, I haven’t been able to tie her to grassing up Alize.

Ironically, Tara is my last resort.

I stalk down the dark halls of the freshman wing of Kingmaker House. Most of this floor still has the original structure of the House—narrow hallways, plaster-covered walls, brass candleholders and aged wooden doors.

A wave of nostalgia floods me. I remember when this floor was my home. When these walls were all I knew of what it meant to be a Kingmaker. The experience made me who I am today, but I don’t exactly miss it.

Scanning the door plates, I stop in front of the one I’m looking for.

Room 31.

Vico shares it with his roommate, Jonty Willa-Blake. The freshman who lives next door couldn’t verify which of them she’s been sneaking into here to see. I guess I’ll be finding out soon.

Tara sure can pick them.

I slam the brass knocker against the wooden door a few times. There’s no response. I wait a few moments and try it again. Still nothing.

On the other side of the door, there’s music playing. It’s loud enough that I feel the vibrations more than I hear them. That’s one of the things I liked about the freshman wing—the rooms are way more soundproof than most of the others.

They probably can’t even hear me.

I twist the knob. It isn’t locked.

A wave of loud rock music hits me the moment the door opens. But that isn’t even what shocks me. Tara’s here alright. In Vico’s fucking bed.

They are underneath the covers together and haven’t even realized I’m in the room. Who the hell fucks with the door unlocked and the music so loud? I walk over to the speaker and unplug it.

Tara screams, scrambling to cover herself. Vico shouts, his eyes wide and chest heaving.

I stand there staring at them. Part of me wants to haul her out of the room and tell her never to come back, at least not tohim.She’s Alize’s closest friend and Vico is allied with my enemy. The logistics of this would never work in the long term.

Worse, she’s a junior and he’s a fucking freshman.

Isn’t she into older guys?

“What the fuck, man?” Vico says, but there’s hardly any bass in his voice. He almost sounds scared, like a feeble teenager. I bare my teeth at him, moving my hands akimbo.

He’s not as fucking bold without Keller around. I could snap him like a twig if I really wanted to, but I’m not here for him today.

Tara’s got the covers up to her chest, a scowl on her face. She’s glaring daggers into me. If looks could kill, I would be bleeding out on the floor.

“I need to speak to you, Tara,” I say, ignoring Vico.

Her jaw drops. “Can it fucking wait?” she hisses.

I fold my arms. “No. You shouldn’t even be here anyway.” I cast a disgusted glance in Vico’s direction. “I’m certain you can do better than this shrimp.” There’s no fucking way the sex isthatgood. She has to be bored, or something.

Though, he looks alot like that Chaos House kid I saw her with a while back at that party. Skinny, younger than her and probably a cokehead. Is that her type?

When she doesn’t immediately move, I realize the problem.

She’s naked.

“I’ll be waiting outside.”

I move to stand in the hallway.

While I’m out there waiting for her, it crosses my mind that they might just get back to fucking.Butit didn’t look like they were even doing that much anyway. If someone walked in on Alize and I, we wouldn’t be naked under the covers like innocuous teens.
