Page 118 of Blood Money

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“What’s fake?”

“We’re not engaged.”

Alexander looks at me as if I’ve spoken to him in a language he doesn’t understand. “But we are.”

“You didn’t propose to me,” I hiss.

“If I did, would you have said yes?”


“That’s exactly why I didn’t.”

“Are you forgetting that you forced me into this ‘engagement,’ to save my life because of a situationyoucreated?” I hiss. “I don’t want to go with you to meet your father god knows where.”

“England,” he says. “We’re going to England.”

I flop back in the armchair, frustrated.England. I have vague memories of the place from when I was younger, but not enough to know what to expect.

“I think you’ll like it. I have so many places I want to take you, like—”

I tune out Alexander when a curious thought pops into my head. My father mentioned that it wasn’t safe for him to visit this part of Europe, so he couldn’t meet me. I wonder if England is any different? Suddenly, the thought of leaving campus with Alexander is more appealing.

There are dozens of direct flights from there every day, to places all over the world. I’ll be able to escape to anywhere I want. And if both he and my father are in the same country, it will be easier to confuse them both.

My throat goes dry.

This is it.

This is the moment I’ve been looking for.

“Fine,” I say, interrupting him. He’s rambling about his favorite restaurant in the city. “I’ll go with you.” I frown to make myself seem reluctant.

Alexander’s face lights up, and I almost feel bad for fooling him.




It’sthe second day of Alize’s illness. She’s already much better.

Her fever is gone, and save for some congestion and the occasional nausea, she’s doing well. Well enough that I think it’s safe to continue with my plans for tonight. I left her in bed sleeping, with Vance in the living room and two guards by the front door.

Another three are stationed below her window.

She’ll only be out of my sight for a few hours, but I would rather be safe than sorry. After tonight, she’ll start sleeping in my bed so I can keep her closeallthe time.

Ezra is with me.

Though he’s skeptical of my plans, he’s still tagging along.

The two of us are dressed in black from head-to-toe. Black ski masks complete the ensemble. Presently, we’re slinking through the shadows that have settled on campus, avoiding the streetlights. It’s almost midnight on a weekday, so there aren’t many people around.

Still, the less people who see us, the better this will go.

Ezra’s got his hands in his pockets, a few paces ahead of me.
