Page 55 of Blood Money

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But I find I don't care much.

I’m horny and I came to see her—as I fucking should, because she’smine.

The door creaks open and I slip into her room.

I’ve only ever been in this room a handful of times since I became Head Kingmaker—Alize is my first and only Courtesan, so I never had much use for it.

The room is smaller than mine, but just as luxurious. The bed is the main attraction, set upon a small dais. The wood paneling, the drapes, the paintings—everything about it is sensual and romantic. Or maybe it just feels that way now because it’s Alize’s room.

I cross the floor quietly, approaching her slumbering frame with my phone in hand.

My heart is thundering in my chest, my legs fraught with tension. Despite this, I’m firm in my resolve. I’ve made up my mind about how I want this to go and it will only take a few minutes. I just need to see her…

Though the drapes are drawn, Alize’s room is brighter than mine thanks to a small night light in the far corner of the room. It was one of the things I put in here before getting rid of all the sharp objects in the room and bathroom.

I didn’t know if she would use it, but it felt worth the effort since she wouldn’t take up my offer of sharing a bed with me. After seeing how she reacted to being in Kingmaker House again, I wanted her to feel a little safer. Being able to see what’s going on in her room if she wakes up in the middle of the night should help her stay calm if she has flashbacks.

Alize is as beautiful asleep as she is awake.

Perhaps more so because I know there isn’t a storm brewing in her mind while she’s asleep. She’s lost in a dream, somewhere far away and hopefully more peaceful than what she’s going through right now.

My chest clenches at the sight of her.

The incandescent rays of the nightlight are weak by the time they make it her, pressing tiny kisses to her golden skin. A tuft of curly sandy blonde hair peeks out from underneath the silky pink and white bonnet that keeps the rest of her hair secure.

The one I got her.

Has she been wearing it to bed every night? My chest swells. She clearly doesn’t hate me as much as she wants me to think. She’s wearing the gift I got her, after all.

There’s hope.

Alize’s face is serene—there’s no knot in her brow, and her trademark scowl is gone. Her plump lips are drawn in a gentle line, vibrating slightly with each breath she takes. Gliding my eyes down the length of her body, my mouth goes dry, blood rushing southward.

The heat in her room is turned up enough that she doesn’t have to sleep cocooned in the sheets. I’ve been in here just a few minutes, and already there’s a bit of sweat on my brow. The silky sheets are wrapped around her exposed thighs, and she’s dressed in a simple sheer nightgown.

It clings to her body, bunched up just below her waist. She’s lying on her back, with her hands by her side and her face turned to me. It’s sinful to see her like this.

It’s like she’s been waiting for me.

I drink in every inch of her—the soft golden skin that I long to feel against mine, the shadowy points of her nipples beneath the thin fabric, the slope of her stomach and the ample breadth of her hips and thighs. My cock is so hard, that even the fabric of my sweats feel like razors against my skin. Freeing it, I push the waistband down my thighs.

Yes, I came here to take a picture.

But a picture could never capturethis.It can’t capture the cadence of her breaths, the dimensions of her supple breasts, or even the gentle twitching of her lips. Heck, it’s so dim in here I’m sure it wouldn’t be able to replicate what I’m seeing right now. A picture is worth a thousand words, sure.

Alize, though–she’s priceless.

I stow my phone in my pocket. With one hand, I stroke my cock, and the other I use to shrug out of my t-shirt. I can already feel that this load is going to behuge.The last thing I want to do is wake her up by accidentally finishing all over her like a horny teenager.

I picture my cum streaking her face, like old times, and my balls tighten.

A draft brings the smell of her fragrant skin to my nose, and it pushes me nearly to the edge.Yes. This is what I needed—the real thing. I pump my length, imagining climbing on top of her while she sleeps and sinking my cock into her tight, wet cunt.

I would kiss the surprise from her lips and grip her neck, spearing her until she screams my name, her body convulsing from one orgasm after another. Staring at her from beneath hooded eyes, she looks like an angel—and the fantasy playing out in my head feels real.

So, fuckingreal.

My cock shudders in my grip, and release hits me hard and fast. I hold my breath, not trusting myself to be quiet as I spill my seed in my t-shirt. Wave after wave of pleasure vibrates through my body. Gritting my teeth, I squeeze my eyes shut.
