Page 59 of Blood Money

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“What are you doing?” I choke out on a quivering breath.

The cool point of the knife is in stark contrast to my hot skin. As he drags it along my skin, the lust curling in my stomach tightens. I can barely breathe from the grip he has on my neck. He’s a master at choking me, keeping me alive but unable to resist.

Tears bead in the corner of my eyes as he traces the shape of my breasts with the knife. My thin nightgown is barely enough protection from the prickling sensation.

I fucking hate that I love this.

Fear’s icy tendrils start to feel like a warm embrace. The shudder that takes me over is indistinguishable from the ones that happen when I’m on the edge of an orgasm. A choking sob leaves my throat from the agony of it all.

“Stop,” I whisper.

The knife stills just off the center of my chest. Right above my heart. Alexander's smile drops slightly. His eyes are as dark as they were in my dream, and a similar fear blooms in my chest. This is what I saw in him that made me dream what I did.

But I’m drawn to it all the same.

My emotions are a confusing maelstrom.

I hate him. I want him.

“I’m going to hurt you, sweetheart,” he whispers. His breath splays over my face. It reeks of cigarettes, but now eventhatis adding to my arousal. “And you’re going to enjoy every second of it.” There’s a clipped laugh from him. “You can go back to hating me when the sun rises. Let me give you what I know you need.”

My facade is crumbling quickly.

Alexander holds all the cards. I’mcompletelyat his mercy. He could snap my neck or pierce my heart right now if he wanted to. I should hate this feeling. It should repulse me, especially after everything that’s happened between us.

Yet, I feel exactly the opposite.

It’s just like old times.

Only the darkness and lust between us exists right now, nothing else. There’s the promise of the freedom of release if I just give in to him. Just this once, in the secrecy of this room. Just this once, in the middle of the night while we’re alone.

Like he said, I can hate him in the morning. I can plot my revenge and rip him wide open when I get the chance. But not tonight, not now.

I can hate him in the morning.

Alexander seems to feel the moment my resistance breaks. He hums his approval, loosening his grip on my neck ever so slightly. A breath of air as a reward.

“Good girl,” he breathes.

He flicks his wrist, slicing through my thin nightgown. A wave of cool air caresses my skin when the fabric gives. Alexander’s eyes follow the movement, lighting up.

“Fucking beautiful,” he mutters, continuing with the blade until he’s cut my entire dress down the middle. “Every part of you.”

I’m exposed in front of him, bare except for my underwear.

His eyes slowly travel the length of my body, glimmering with something akin to appreciation. My chest tightens. His approval still means so much to me. The heat in my cheeks spreads over my skin. By the time his eyes meet mine, I’m like putty.

There’s a tingling in my lips. I want to kiss him—or him to kiss me—whichever one quenches the desire. I rock myself forward, trying to make our mouths meet.

“No, sweetheart,” he mocks. “You’ll have to earn a kiss.”


He tightens his hold on my neck again, forcing me back against the bed. The little bit of leeway I had is gone, his grip tighter than before. If I try to speak, I won’t be able to breathe.

The knife glides over my skin slowly. Up my thighs, along my hips until it’s at the waistband of my panties. He’s applying more pressure to it as he goes along, too. One wrong move and he’ll cut me open.

Wet heat gathers in my core at the thought. I blink back the tears.
