Page 80 of Blood Money

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“Out of all the candidates we have so far this year, you’re the only one that stands out to me,” he begins. “And I’m certain the majority of the members of the Kingmaker Society will agree. Your reputation precedes you.”

I nod. This doesn’t seem like a good time to interject.

His tone tells me this might become a monologue. Which I’m grateful for, because what the fuck am I supposed to say? I know all of these things. Compliments have always been a little odd for me becauseI already know. Every single part of my life is by design.

I am the way I am, because Iwantto be.

Why should I feel good that you’ve acknowledged it?

“But the brothers in your chapter of Kingmaker House don’t seem to agree on that, from what I’ve heard, and that’s where the problem comes in.” He takes another sip of his drink. “You need their votes to move on to the next phase of your selection. I think you have what it takes to pass the Initiation Trials.” He pauses for a long second before he says his next sentence. “But, due to recent developments, there’s a high probability you’ll lose the upcoming election.”

His words spear my chest.

The room shrinks around me, and I suck in a deep breath.

There’s a challenge on my tongue, to defend myself and let him know I wouldneverlet Keller beat me. But I swallow it because he might be right. Things have spiraled out of my control, and after being blindsided by Keller’s alliance with Vico and Cesare, it’s clear I have a lot of ground to cover to make up for it.

It might be impossible to make up for it over the next few days.

Lev is watching my expression closely. Again, I don’t speak. He seems ready to continue, and I’m certain there’s nothing I could add to the conversation right now that wouldn’t come off like a complaint. Though bad blood between Kingmaker House members isn’t unheard of, it could pose a problem if I let him know how deeply my hatred for Keller runs.

I put him a fucking coma. That’s grounds for having me kicked.

“I’ve heard that you’re brokering deals for votes, but a lot of people are displeased with that stunt you pulled to circumvent the Treaty of Peace,” he says. “Fortunately for you, I’m not easily swayed.”

I’m uneasy. “It wasn’t a st—”

Lev holds up a hand. “You don’t have to lie to me. You and I both know that the whole engagement bullshit was to stop them from killing her.” A laugh booms from him. I don’t like what he’s said, because Alize would have become my fiancée at one point or another. “But you’ve lucked out, and you don’t even seem to know it.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Lucked out?” I thought I was following him, but now I’m confused.

“Yes,” he says. “The Kingmaker Society is…interestedin your fiancée.”

My heart tumbles in my chest, my thoughts screech to a halt.


Suddenly, her stories of being hunted before enrolling in Saint Frederic University because of her father come back to mind. The horrible stories from her childhood. The fact her father was too elusive to show up in a cursory search by the school.

The implications are too far-reaching for me to allow myself to draw any conclusions. My palms start to sweat. Lev has to explain. I can’t assume. If it’s the Kingmaker Society that’s trying to kill her because of her father, then—

I can’t even bring myself to finish the thought.

“In what way?” I try to keep my tone as even as possible.

Lev grins, pulling a few grapes loose from the bunch closest to him.

He’s still assessing me, no doubt gauging my reaction to what he’s saying. Already, I’m thinking of what I’ll do if he confirms my worst fear. As soon as I get off this boat I’ll have to have Vance and Ezra take her to a safe house. We’ll both have to disappear. The Society is a powerful enemy to have, but I’ll have to think of something.

I won’t let them take her from me.

“Well, not her. Her family,” he says between bites.

I release a breath. “She doesn’t have much of a family,” I say. “Only an uncle and a father, from what she’s told me.”

Lev swats a hand at him. “A blood uncle?”

“I…” I knead my chin with two fingers. “I’m not sure.”
