Page 59 of Playing For Keeps

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“None of this makes sense,” she argued.

“I told Jake that he had to decide, me or football and he chose football because I pushed him into it. This time he’s choosing me.”

“That is completely insane,” Toni stated. “Why would you do that?”

“Because I was tired of football, my entire life revolved around it, and I couldn’t go into a marriage with it being the leading factor. I was already at a school that didn’t care about academics, if we’d gotten married, I would have been forced to transfer and there was no guarantee I could get in somewhere I’d want to be. Jake would have wanted me with him, and I didn’t want that.”

“So, you’re saying that we’ve been blaming Jake for nothing?”

“I wouldn’t say it was nothing,” he jumped in trying to keep them from blaming her the way they had him. “I should have seen what she was doing but I was too focused on the draft and the possibilities to see that I was neglecting the present. I took Cee for granted and made her question my feelings for her. This time it won’t be like that.”

“Wow, you let everyone hate on you all this time, why?” Toni asked looking between them.

“Because it was my fault, I knew Cee but when she gave me the choice, I let the anger win out and blind me for long enough to let her get away.”

“Punishing yourself for letting Stacey leave?” she questioned as Zoe seethed at them.

“Yup and now that I have a foot back into her life, I’m making sure she knows she comes first starting with the trade to Seattle. I won’t live across the country from her and her life’s there.”

“You are such an idiot,” Zoe crowed. “She’s played you for a fool this entire time. She’s after one thing, as much money as she can get her hands on.”

“If that was true, she’d have married one of the many millionaires who’ve tried to woo her the last few years. Three of them who I know are worth more than me.”

“She has millionaires running after her? Yeah right, unless she’s just that good in bed.”

“I’d suggest you shut up,” Stacey warned. “I’d really hate to have to figure out how to put a positive spin on Jake being arrested for assault while at church.”

“I don’t see that one happening,” Toni laughed.

“You haven’t seen Cee in action. She’s amazing and has the entire town wrapped around her little finger. She can get into any restaurant she wants with the best table at a moment’s notice,” he stated running his hand down her arm as she reached for the phone that was buzzing. “You can take care of it later, Cee.”

“Jake, it’s not work,” she admitted seeing the number that came up. It was one she knew well; she’d dialed it enough when dealing with Nathaniel and Alan.

“What’s wrong baby?” he questioned seeing the look that crossed her face.

“It’s the police station, they were supposed to let me know what happened with you know who.”

“But a phone call at this time of the morning on a Sunday Cee?”

“I know,” she sighed moving back towards the vestibule of the building as she answered it. “Stacey Martin.”

“Stacey it’s Bryant, where are you?”

“Georgia, why?”

“We don’t know what happened Stacey, the three of them were here last night, separate cells even…”

“Bryant, you’re scaring me.”

“They’re gone, escaped sometime between the evening shift and this mornings.”

“All of them?” she asked as panic hit her like she hadn’t felt in years.

“We have the entire force out looking for them, but we can’t keep the truth out of the papers anymore. The public needs to know what they’re up against.”

“I know; can you possibly keep my name and Jake’s out of this though? I know you’ll need to tell them what they’ve done and what to look out for but if at all possible…”

“We won’t reveal they set the first bombs to get to you and we’ll do our best to keep you out of this but Stacey…”

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