Page 44 of Blush

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But it’s time to let my unrequited love for him go. He’s made it very clear that he doesn’t feel the same way, and that’s okay. Well, it’snotokay. It sucks a big donkey dick, but what choice do I have?

Now that I know the place exists, I can find it again. They won’t let me in, of course, but maybe I can meet some other people who go there. Maybe get another invite.

The bartender last night—Alfred—clearly works for the club as well as the bar. Maybe the bar is part of the club.

“I have to get to work,” Jackson says.

“Don’t let me stop you. I have work to do as well.”


“Can we please just not go there again? Please, Jack? I had a nice time last night, but I agree with you. It was a mistake.”

He walks toward me slowly, trails a finger over my cheek. “Then why have you been crying?”

Why, indeed?Because I’ve been in love with you for fifteen years and you don’t see me that way. Because you think I can’t handle the kind of sex you like. Because, because, because…

Because what I want most in the world will never be.

My cheeks burn where he touched me. “It’s nothing. I had an allergy attack in the middle of the night.”

“All right, Mandy.”

He doesn’t believe me. I know this, but he’s letting me off the hook. He’s still Jackson. And he still loves me as a friend. As a damnedfriend.

“This won’t affect our friendship, Jack,” I say.

A breezy sigh pushes out of him. “Thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you, Mandy Cake.” This time he makes it to the door. He drops a chaste kiss on my forehead. “Love you.”

After he closes the door, I lean against it for a moment.

“I love you, too, Jack.”

Chapter Sixteen


Back at the office, I’m preparing for a meeting when my secretary buzzes me.

“What is it, Jenny? I told you I couldn’t be disturbed this afternoon.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Paris, but Mr. Black wants to see you.”

“Ben? Sure, what does he need?”

“Not Ben Black,” Jenny says. “Braden Black.”

I work directly under Ben. I don’t see Braden much. He’s quieter than Ben and keeps to himself for the most part. He’s engaged to be married and spends what little free time he has with his fiancée.

Why would he want to see me? One thing’s for sure—no matter how busy I am, I can’t say no when Braden Black calls.

“All right. Send him in.”

“He’s not here. He wants you to go up to his office.”

Jeez. “Okay. Tell him I’ll be right up.”

So much for preparing for the meeting. I’ll be fine. I’ve had to wing it more than once. It won’t be the first time. It’s not my standard MO, but I can do it.
