Page 61 of Blush

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I take a quick shower, dress in jeans, my walking shoes, and a Las Vegas T-shirt, and I’m out the door.

And I haven’t given Jackson Paris a thought.

At least not in the last five minutes.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“I think you have feelings for this woman,” Ben says.

“Of course I have feelings for her. She’s my best friend. She’s been my best friend since we were literally in diapers.”

Ben laughs, taking a slurp of his protein smoothie. “Jack, you are in denial.”

“You’re wrong.”

“Did you or did you not tell me you ended up at her place last night?”

“Yeah. She’s my best friend.”

“Right. Your best friend you fucked at the club several nights ago. And did you or did you not say you’re determined to take a break from her?”

I don’t reply. I have nothing to say.

“Look. You and I don’t talk about this shit. But I have to ask. How was it? Fucking your best friend?”

“It was…adequate.”

I hate myself as soon as the words leave my lips. It was so far from adequate. It was fucking magnificent. And I didn’t even tie her up, didn’t flog her little ass.

“Why did you take her there again?” Ben asks.

“Honestly? I was trying to scare her. She put up this dumb-ass Lustr bio asking for a teacher. I know Mandy. I knew exactly what would catch her eye, so I joined Lustr and I wrote back to her. Sure enough, she responded.”

“I see.”

Ben Black is my boss, but I’m right beneath him, and we work as equals most of the time. We’re friends. Good friends.

“You see?”

“Yes, I see everything. Jack, you’ve got it bad.”

“We don’t think of each other that way. It’s likeWhen Harry Met Sally, that old Meg Ryan movie. They were friends for, like, twenty years.”

“Right. Did you forget how the movie ends?”

Funny. I didn’t forget how it ends. I just never think about that part.

“You’re afraid she won’t share your…proclivities,” Ben continues.

“I don’twanther to share my proclivities. Mandy is innocent.”

“Is she now? Didn’t you fuck her?”

“Yeah. But I didn’t…you know…introduce her to any of the kink.”

“So you fucked her at the club, but it was purely vanilla.”
