Page 10 of Seer

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“She’s so beautiful,” I say in an awestruck whisper. I look up to see Abigail smiling down at me, her eyes filled with so much love that I get lost in their magic depths. “She’s just as beautiful as her Mama.”

Abigail rolls her eyes at me, but she smiles despite herself. “You don’t know that, Papa Bear.”

“I do, too,” I argue childishly. “I can sense the pureness of her soul, and it shines just as bright as yours.”

Abigail turns around, so her back is against my chest. I wrap my arms around her, loving how she snuggles deeper into me with a contented exhale.

“I love you, Pocus,” she says softly after a long silence.

I tighten my arms around my wife, wondering once again what my life would look like without her…dark, obviously.Abigail added meaning to my life and made me the luckiest motherfucker on earth. She’s more than I deserve, and I’m determined to cherish and protect her for as long as I’m able.

“I love you, mon couer.”

I whisper those words to my sleeping wife as I slip out of bed one hour later. I shrug on my jacket and grab my keys from the bedside table before quietly heading out of the room.

I can only hope to make it back before she wakes up again.

* * *

Graveyard’s expression is between grogginess and bewilderment as he gapes at the sight in front of him. I don’t blame him for his stupid look. I dragged him out of bed at barely 4 am to come and check up on a patient I’d stolen from a national hospital. It’s enough to shock anyone.

Of course, Graveyard would have argued, but Seer looks more peaceful sleeping in his own bed without the machines and strangers whirring around him.

“This is insane,” Graveyard finally says after a minute of silently working his mouth, trying to get words to come out. “What the hell were you thinking bringing him back to the clubhouse in his condition?”

“Leaving him at the hospital was pointless anyway,” I reply. “The doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with him.”

“But he still needs to be monitored,” Graveyard argues. “What if he suddenly develops a complication or something? I sure as hell don’t have the tools to carry out emergency surgery. I can come up with a million reasons why this isn’t a good idea.”

I let out a soft sigh. “I understand your concerns, Graveyard, but I don’t feel good about leaving Seer at the hospital.”

Graveyard’s eyes narrow with confusion. “Why’s that?”

“I believe he’s safer here at the clubhouse. Even though Bones got Dan Marshal arrested, Rugal is still at large… I can’t risk having Seer as a target in such a vulnerable state.”

“You’ve got a point there, Prez,” Graveyard says with a thoughtful nod and gestures toward the bed. “What do you expect me to do now?”

“I don’t know,” I reply with a clueless shrug. “Drug him up or something. Do what doctors do in situations like these.”

Graveyard looks at me like I’m losing it and shakes his head with a bemused expression. “He’s in a coma, Seer. What exactly is drugging him going to accomplish?”

“That’s not… I didn’t….”

Graveyard’s loud chuckle interrupts my helpless struggle to defend myself. “Just messing around with you, Prez. I’ll check his vitals and hook him up on an IV fluid.”

Graveyard gets to it, leaving me to hover in uncertainty in the background. I hate this feeling of helplessness and every other vague emotion I feel. I hate that there’s nothing I can do. This right here, it’s not a physical enemy, and that’s what makes it hard. I’d kill a thousand adversaries if it would bring Seer back to us, but as it is, I have to rely on the doctors’ uncertainty and watch Seer sleep day after day. It feels like a whole new kind of torture.

“He’ll need around-the-clock surveillance,” Graveyard says, glancing at me over his shoulders. “I don’t want any surprises.”

I nod my head in response. “Of course. I’ll make sure there’s always someone by his side.”

Graveyard gently adjusts the covers around Seer before stepping back with a soft sigh. “I’ll need to drop by the clinic to get an IV pole, saline, and some other stuff. I’ll be right back.”

Graveyard heads for the door. Once again, I’m plagued with a strange feeling of anxiety and confusion.


He stops and turns around, his expression inquisitive and expectant.
