Page 43 of Seer

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I let out a bemused chuckle. “But of course, there’s always a but.”

“It’s just… I can’t promise that this is going to lead anywhere. I think you’ll end up resenting me.”

“Why do you think so?”

“Because I have to leave eventually, that’s why!” Tory takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes as if to get control of her emotions. “I came here on a mission, and the only reason I’m still here is that mama hasn’t sent word. I have my whole life planned out after here. Once I get my license as a healer, I plan to leave New Orleans and live as a nomad until I feel inclined to settle down. This move is important to me because all my life, I felt like I’ve never been in control. I’ve led my life being controlled by the actions of my ma. Even after her death, I’m trying so hard not to be like her that I end up making the exact choices she did. I’ve deluded myself for too long that I have to right her wrongs, but that’s just an excuse to live a mediocre life. I don’t want to live like that anymore. There’s something I need to prove to myself. The first step in all of this is leaving my comfort zone.”

She pauses to look into my eyes, and I sink into the plea in her deep brown eyes. She takes my hand and places it on her chest. “Feel how fast it’s beating? I want you so bad it hurts right here. I know it’s selfish of me to ask, but can we just do this for as long as we can?”

No, this is bad… A terrible idea.

But despite my head screaming for me to stop, I find myself yielding to the earnestness in her eyes. Maybe I’m the selfish one. I want her regardless of the conditions laid out.

So, despite the warning bells going off in my head, I lean forward until my forehead is touching hers.

“You have me, baby,” I whisper, smiling into her eyes. “For as long as you want me.”

She smiles, and my heart seems to stop dead for a second. The light in her eyes was all the confirmation I needed.

We can make this work.


His lips brush against mine, a brief contact that sends powerful tremors down my whole body. He raises his head, looking into my eyes like he needs to find something–a confirmation of sorts.

“Are you sure about this, Victoria?”

Instead of answering, I reach for him, putting my hand on the back of his neck, and pulling him closer to me. I place my lips tentatively on his, unsure how to proceed. I wonder if I’m the only one whose heart feels like it is going to burst from how hard it’s beating. But, Seer’s lips move against mine, and I’ve lost my train of thought. The kiss is slow at first, then more urgent. His tongue dives into my mouth. I press my body against his, eager for more of him. I swipe my tongue tentatively over his, and I do it again, emboldened by his soft grunt. His arms tighten around me as if he couldn’t get me close enough.

He pulls back, and just as I mourn the loss of his mouth, I feel his tongue’s wetness along my ear. A soft gasp escapes my throat as pleasure ripples through me. I never knew my ear could be sensitive, but here I am, panting breathlessly. His mouth moves lower, trailing soft butterfly kisses down the nape of my neck.

“You smell so…,” he whispers, his breath hot on my skin. “Like peaches... I love peaches.”

And I love the husky timbre of his voice... And the feel of his breath on my shoulders. His hand slips beneath the neckline of my nightdress, slowly caressing my bare skin as he continues to kiss down my neckline. Seer raises his eyes to mine, and I’m shocked at the depth of hunger in his bright blue eyes. He kneels on the bed, pulling me up with him. He leans forward to kiss my forehead, then the tip of my nose and my lips.

“Can I undress you?” he asks, smiling into my eyes.

My heart skips a dangerous beat, then settles into a meaningless rhythm. I nod in response, unable to get a word past the dryness in my throat. As Seer slides the dress off my shoulders, I keep my eyes low. I soon lose the shield my dress provided, kneeling naked in front of Seer, who’s still very much clothed. I feel so... vulnerable.

“My God, Victoria..,” he murmurs breathlessly. “You’re so beautiful. Damn.”

I bite down on my lower lip, barely resisting the urge to fold my arms across my chest. Seer mutters a soft curse under his breath, leaning forward to seize my lips in a hard kiss. I melt into him, instantly forgetting my embarrassment.

Seer pulls back abruptly, his eyes burning into mine. “You don’t know what you do to me when you bite your lips like that. You make me forget what it means to be a gentleman.”

I smile shyly into his eyes, biting my lips intentionally, this time to see his eyes darken with desire.

“Damn, girl,” Seer mutters, lifting his shirt over his head. “You asked for it.”

He reached for his pants, but I quickly stopped him by placing my hands on his. “I’ll... I’ll do it,” I stutter. He smiles at my attempt to take control, allowing me to pull down his pants. My hands pause at his hips as I stare wide-eyed at his long, hard dick. He’d been naked all along. Seer helps me pull the pants all the way down so that I can see all of him. I had just a few seconds to appreciate his naked glory because he soon kissed me again. I kiss him back, enjoying the way his muscle flexed beneath my palms as I ran my hands up his toned chest to his shoulders. I grab a fist of his hair in my hands, loving the coarse feel of his dreads. The fact that I’ve dreamed of doing this so many times gives the whole moment an air of unreality.

His large palm covers my left breast, squeezing gently. I moan into his mouth, unconsciously pressing harder into his palm. Seer kisses down my neck to my collarbone. Then I feel the wetness of his tongue over my hardened nipple. I throw my head back with a soft gasp, overwhelmed by the pleasure rippling through my whole body. He suckles gently on my tender bud while his hand continues to tease my other breast. The feel of his mouth on my skin is like fire and ice.

Gently, he pushes me backward until I’m lying on the bed. His mouth finds mine again, and I let myself loose in the slow, sensual kiss. He runs his hand down my stomach to the area between my thighs. His finger teases at my folds, his thumb brushing against my clitoris. I shiver with pleasure, unable to hold back the soft moan that escaped my lips.

“Fuck, you are so wet,” Seer says, his fingers getting more curious. “And so responsive.”

He suddenly pushes a finger into me. I yelp in pain, arching my back off the bed. Seer stills, frowning down at me with a mixture of worry and concern.
