Page 52 of The Wrong Victim

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Jane came up to her. Kara had sensed someone was watching her—now she knew who. “Need a ride?”

“No, I’m good. I like to walk.” She jerked her finger toward the group. “There was some drama. I think that woman who was sitting in front of me made that kid cry.”

Jane dismissed her comment. “Ashley is a sweet kid. I’m sure she’s fine. And Bobby wouldn’t let anyone mess with her.”

Kara just stared at her blankly.

“Don’t worry about it. Sure you don’t want a ride?”

“I’m sure, thanks.”

“Call Donna, I know she’d love to talk. She likes to help people, especially young people.”

Kara laughed. “I’m not that young.”

“What, twenty-five?”

“I wish. Thirty. I went to grad school late.”

“I wish I had your skin. You look way younger.”

“I get it from my grandma. She doesn’t look her age, either.” Kara smiled and said goodbye, then left.

Bobby—why did that name sound familiar?

Right. Craig Martin had a brother named Bobby.

It might not mean anything. Except...tears could signify guilt.

Ashley wasn’t the type of personality to plant a bomb, whether or not it killed anyone. But shewasthe type to feel guilt if she had information she knew she should share, but it might get someone she cared about in trouble.

Someone like her boyfriend’s brother.

Yet...she had freely given Donna a copy of the photos she took. And based on what Ashley had said, she’d been following West End boats for some time, taking pictures and trying to catch them violating environmental regulations.

Kara definitely wanted to talk to her one-on-one, but she needed to figure out exactly how to approach the teenager.

She walked toward Park Street, collected her bag of clothes from behind the bushes near the corner—making sure no one saw her—and headed to the FBI house.


It was after ten by the time Kara walked into the house. She was beat and thought for once she might possibly get a good night’s sleep. All the travel yesterday and then hitting the ground first thing in the morning today—yeah, she was ready to pass out for five, maybe six hours. Bliss.

When she walked in, everyone except Jim was in the dining room, which Ryder had turned into a workroom. The table was large enough for a printer and multiple laptops and was a comfortable place to talk about the case or work.

Still wearing her disguise, Kara greeted the others. “Great, almost everyone is here. I can give you a rundown all at once.”

Matt did a double take when he saw her. She almost grinned. If she was still wearing the glasses, she wondered if he would have recognized her?

Catherine cleared her throat.

Ryder didn’t look at her.

Matt said, “I got your text.”

“Why do I feel like I’m coming in after curfew and am about to be grounded?”

“Kara, I—well, I feel you should have called to discuss your idea. You’re known to the community as a member of our task force, and it could have been awkward.”
