Page 142 of Filthy Truth

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“Anyway, you going to introduce me to Jennifer or what?”

“She’s in the bedroom. She’s got a kid too. Saverina—” She paused to preen, “—drinks a lot.”

“Named after you? Christ, did they want her to be a Diva?”

Vana huffed. “Like you’re not a diva too.”

“You’re a capitalized Diva. I’m not.” I snagged Kat by the shoulder and steered her inside the living room with me. As the door closed, I asked, “Why are you so nervous now that you’ve told me about maybe being pregnant?”

“I’m not nervous,” she said nervously, hands still toying with one another as she glanced at her watch.

“You so are. What have you done?” I demanded, directing Kat over to a table.

When she took a seat, she scanned her surroundings, shrugged, then said, “Hi, Aunt Savvie. Oh, Star, I forgot to tell you. I gave her that laptop you wanted me to.”

My lips twitched as I shrugged off her words. “Better late than never told. Thanks, brat.”

She hummed and returned to her game. Last night hadn’t been good—two nightmares—so I wasn’t going to be hard on her about not being sociable.

“She means last year, right? At the Sinners’ BBQ?”

I smirked at Vana. “Yeah, she means last year. Unless she’s given you another laptop since then?”

“Nah.” Savannah blew out a breath but her anxiety was too high for her to pepper me with more questions. Handy, really.

I didn’t want her to know that I’d given Conor access to a worm via that laptop I’d smuggled off the Sinners’ compound through her.

“What’s with you?” I demanded.

“IinvitedPaddyheretoo,” she said in a rush.

“Paddy? As in Conor’s uncle? Good at clearing up the corpses of Catholic perverts? You invited him here?”

“Yeah. That one. He’s Jen’s biological dad.”

Because that wasn't news to me, I hummed. “Did she ask you to arrange this meeting?”


I groaned. “So why did you?”

“Because they met at our wedding—which you didn’t attend, so fuck you—”

“You know I hate weddings.”

“—and it was strained and it made me feel sad. Paddy’s a granddad now as well. It seemed… mean to exclude—”

“That was none of your business, Savannah,” I said with a sigh. “I mean, she knew who her father was and she didn’t prompt you to make an introduction.”

She bit her lip. “That’s why I’m nervous.”

“Because you fucked up?”

“Because it seemed like a great idea at the time and now I’m thinking it isn’t,” she mumbled as she dragged me into the kitchen with her. “Why didn’t I keep my nose out of this?”

“You can’t help yourself. It’s the journalist in you.” I huffed. “Want me to pretend that I brought him with me?”

Her eyes lit up. Then immediately dimmed. “I couldn’t ask that of you.”

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