Page 12 of Dirty Devil

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Gordon glances over at me, his lips quirked up into something barely resembling a smile. It’s like he couldn’t decide if he wanted to smile or frown and did them both at the same time. “Late practice tomorrow?”

“Nope,” Owen answers, stopping on Gordon’s other side, also armed with two glasses, his cane nowhere in sight. He must have ditched it at the bar. “We like to live dangerously. Also, this party is fucking lame.”

I nod because, well… yeah.

But it’s a charity event for a children's hospital. My expectations for fun were pretty low to begin with, despite Lincoln trying to convince all of us that it was going to be a fucking blast. I really don’t think he knows what that means anymore. He hasn’t been fun since he moved out of the apartments and truly kissed his bachelor days goodbye. Tag and Rhett did the same thing too.

I hope whatever they caught isn’t contagious.

“Come on, Owen, it’s time for the Bone Daddy to get lucky.” Ian drains both his glasses and points to the dance floor. “I see some sexy witches looking our way.”

“Fuck me,” Gordon mutters as Owen nods his response and they both disappear into the crowd. “Do girls really go home with them?”

“More than you’d think. Are you needing any help in that area? I could hook you up. Maybe that would help with this whole cranky exterior you have going on.”

“I don’t need your help getting laid.”

I turn to him, brows raised, and a hint of a smile playing on my lips. “No? I don’t recall seeing you with—”

“I don’t recall it being any of your business.”

“That hurts my feelings, Gordon. I thought we were friends.”

“We’re not friends.” He gives me a pointed look, his deep green eyes drilling right through me. “And some of us are more discerning about whom we stick our dick into.”


Pretty sure that was a burn on me, but since I’m not sticking my dick into anything except my right hand, I’m going to pretend it was a jab at the Bruiser Brothers.

I’m reformed. I’m a new man.

I might as well be a born-again virgin.

I finish off the rest of my champagne, really trying not to grimace like a child. It was only a half grimace so… nailed it. Besides, none of the cameras are pointing my way. The few photographers that are here are currently swarming the hospital CEO.

I’m safe.

As I turn to wander away from the cameras, I catch another glimpse of Avery.

She’s adjusting her blonde wig, and I don’t know why I didn’t notice before, but I kind of hate it. The fake blonde locks don’t even begin to compare to her normal dark brown hair, and I find myself wondering what it looks like now.

The last time I saw her, it fell just below her shoulders. That was back in… August?

That sounds about right.

It was just before she had the baby. Would she have kept it the same length? Would it be longer now?

And then I shake myself back to reality because I shouldn’t care.I don’t care.My teammate’s sister’s hair is none of my business.

I should also turn back around.

There’s absolutely no reason I should be making my way around the perimeter of the dance floor and heading her way.


Except that she’s by herself. And she looks sad. And alone. And I can’t stop my feet from moving. I want to see her smile again, and I don’t know why.

“Having a good time, Princess?”
