Page 13 of Dirty Devil

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She turns toward me, her hazel eyes widening before a small smile plays across her lips. “It’s not exactly my idea of a good time, but it’s been fun to people watch. What about you, little boy blue?”

“I’ll do anything you want if you never call me that ever again. You—”

“Avery, I just saw your messages.” Rhett squeezes between us and pushes me out of the way without even a glance in my direction. Considering he put me in this ludicrous outfit, that’s just rude. Although, his is so much more amusing. I didn’t imagine he’d wear anything beyond a simple suit. “I’m so sorry. Did your car start up?”

“No, it did not.” Avery fiddles with her purse and glances my way. “Foster helped me out.”

“Foster did what?” He turns to face me, his brows practically in his hairline.

I hold up a hand to silence him as he opens his mouth to continue. “Before you get your khaki shorts in a bunch, your sister was on the side of the road and needed help. She’s here. She’s safe. You’re welcome.”

“I don’t believe I thanked you,” Rhett spits through gritted teeth, his demeanor a stark contrast to his festive looking Hawaiian shirt. “I wasn’t aware the two of you were… friends.”

He may be a grumpy bastard, ‌but that doesn’t mean I appreciate his attitude. Avery needed help. He didn’t answer, so she messaged me.

It’s really not my problem if he doesn’t like it.

“I think there are lots of things you’re not aware of.” I cross my arms, the sailor shirt bunching around my shoulders and chest. “Like how to smile. Or that Hawaiian shirts aren’t fashionable. How to make friends. How to execute a good slap shot. How to—”



“I can’t believe you wore that damn costume.”

Looking down, I adjust my ascot. I can’t believe I did either. “I literally had no other choice. Just remember, payback’s a bitch.”

“What are you gonna do? Come after me with that absurd hat?”

“You bet I am, and I’m going to shove it straight up your arse.” I lean closer to him and whisper, “I thought I told you to keep my Stranger Things obsession on lockdown. You were supposed to be my friend.”

“I am. I didn’t want you having to keep that secret from everyone. Doesn’t it feel better now that everything is out in the open? You’re welcome.”

“You’re a dick.” I point a finger at him and gesture to his attire. “And what are you? A grumpy tourist?”

“We’re Malibu Barbie and Ken,” he grumbles, turning back to Avery and pulling her in for a hug. “I’m glad you’re not stranded on the side of the road, and I’m sorry I didn’t get your call. Lucy had me hanging up lights as soon as I got here.”

“I can’t say I’m surprised. Lucy likes things to be perfect.” She pulls away with a laugh. “You can bring me lunch tomorrow. Now, if you’re done with all the male posturing, I’d like to dance and try to have a little fun.” She holds out her hand, beckoning me with her fingers. “Foster?”

I take a step back as Rhett’s eyes darken. He clearly doesn't know me if he thinks I’m going to go out on the dance floor with anyone dressed like this.

Even if it would be an opportunity to piss him off a bit. I love pushing his gigantic red buttons.

And anything involving his sister pushes them every single time.

Damn this costume.

“I’m good,” I chuckle, shaking my head. “There’s no bloody way I’m going to dance in front of anyone in this outfit.”

“Oh.” She glances down, shuffling her feet for a moment before meeting my eyes with a shrug. “That’s okay. I’ll go ask Ian.”

Like hell she will.


I make my way out to the dance floor, not knowing if Foster will follow me. Can’t say I really care. This may be some charity fundraiser and not a real Halloween party, but I meant what I said. I’m going to have a good time.

With or without him.
