Page 16 of Dirty Devil

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Hurt flashes across her face, just like it always does when we have this same exact conversation. And here it comes—the tantrum.

She stomps her foot—literally stomps it—and leans toward me. “I don’t know why you’re playing hard to get. People change. You can change. You don’t know the future.”

She’s right; people can change, but not me. I’m a bachelor by design, not circumstance. I have my reasons for remaining unattached, and they’re really not any of her business.

Did I meet her sister at a bar after a game and go home with her? Sure.

But her and I both knew it was a one-time-only situation. No repeats, no sleepovers. I hadn’t even met Marley that night. I didn’t even know she existed until she showed up the next week and said it was her turn.

No, thank you.

And now, no matter what I say to her, she can’t seem to take the hint.

“Foster,” She whines as she stomps her foot again and this time her voice rises.

I cringe, glancing around the room, looking for someone… anyone that can help me out.

Linc, Tag, Owen—I’ll even take Rhett at this point—but I can’t seem to find anyone.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

But then something grazes my arm and a soft fabric swishes against my legs.

I don’t think. I don’t have time.

Every second that passes is time wasted.

Reaching out, I grab Avery’s hand and pull her to my side. Her eyes widen and she wobbles slightly before catching herself with a hand on my shoulder. I take advantage of her instability and band my arm around her waist.

“Who the hell is this?” Marley snarls as she gestures to Avery, and for the first time since she started showing up, I think I’m seeing a glimpse of the real her below the fake veneer she wears like a second skin. Her lip curls up in a sneer, and she eyes Avery like she’s a piece of dirt on the floor.

I want nothing more than to knock her down a peg or two. She doesn’t even begin to compare to Avery.

They’re not even on the same planet.

“This,” I tighten my grip around Avery and smile down at her while her brows raise, confusion written all over her pretty face, “is my girlfriend.”

She’s so close I can hear her sharp intake of air, feel her body stiffening, and she tries to pull away.

Tries, but I don’t let her.

Marley’s mouth drops open but she quickly recovers, squaring her shoulders and narrowing her eyes. The second she tries to speak, I snake my free hand around Avery’s neck, tilt her face up to mine and press my lips to hers.

I didn’t plan on it being a long kiss. Hell, I didn’t plan the kiss at all.

But as our lips touch, the rest of the world fades away. It’s not about proving a point or getting Marley to leave me alone, it’s just Avery and me.

Nothing else matters.

Her mouth is soft and pliant as her lips move beneath mine, and as my hand trails up her back, she relaxes against me and lets out a soft sigh. The little noise has my dick waking up, and in these little shorts, that’s not a good problem to have.

But I don’t care.

Her arms wind around my neck and mine wrap tighter around her waist.

My heart rate quickens, and I can feel the blind need crawling beneath my skin.

I want her, and I want her right fucking now.
