Page 17 of Dirty Devil

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No. Slow.Down.

I’ve never been so torn in my life.

I want to plaster her up against a door, hike up her princess dress, slip inside her, and fucking lose myself. But at the same time, I want to go slow. To savor. Worship. Devour.

Have I ever wanted any of those things before?

The kiss is chaste—innocent—and my dick grows harder. I’m so lost I’m drowning in her, and nothing else exists.

A flash goes off and I loosen my hold on Avery, stepping back to give myself a little room to think. To breathe.To wonder what the fuck happens next.

Marley’s nowhere in sight and I couldn’t care less. Actually, I’m so fucking stunned about what the fuck just happened I barely register anything. People mill around, but I don’t pay attention to any of them.

What the fuck was that kiss?

I don’t even register Avery slipping away until she’s gone.


I need to talk to her, to explain. She probably thinks I used her to get back at an ex, which isn’t exactly the case. I mean, I guess I was using her a little, but I didn’t expect it to go that far.

I didn’t expect to feel… anything.

This is what I get for acting impulsively, for not using my brain.

I turn around in the crowd, searching, hoping to find a glimpse of Avery so I can explain. Apologize. Drop to my damn knees and beg for forgiveness. I’m not sure I understand, but I don’t like the thought of her being mad at me, or worse—disappointed.

She’s vanished, and the clock hasn’t even struck midnight.

I swear I see a hint of blue running up the stairs toward the exit, but when I turn that way, it’s gone.

Avery’s gone.


Now I know how Prince Charming felt.


Oh. My. Fucking. God.

Foster kissed me.

He fucking kissed me.

I can’t breathe. I definitely can’t stand next to him and pretend like that didn’t happen, because it did. It fucking did.

That kiss was better than any kiss I’ve ever had.

I forgot where I was,whoI was, and for a moment, I forgot what spurred that kiss.

But the second that camera flashed and Foster pulled away, I came to my senses. I remembered.

And I fled.

There was the gorgeous blonde, and I thought… I thought he was picking her up for the night, and then he told her I was his girlfriend.

