Page 18 of Dirty Devil

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He had to have noticed the looks that girl was giving me, and I can’t say I blame her. The thought of someone like him being with someone like me is laughable. He’s rich; I’m not. He’s muscular and gorgeous and British. I’m nothing special; just a single mom with extra curves and stretch marks. I’m no prize, and Blondie knows it. I’m sure he knows it, too.

There’s a good chance I was at the right place at the right time.

I bet he’d have kissed anyone that walked by. It just so happened to be me.

But… why?

Was he making her jealous?Of me?

Or are they both off somewhere laughing at the chubby girl who thought the popular guy was actually into her?

The nerve.

The audacity.

Needless to say,The Crushis still safely tucked in its box, despite the kiss that shouldn’t have happened.

I can’t believe I actually thought we were friends.

He really had me fooled.

I chastise myself as I weave through the dance floor and head up the stairs to the exit. I don’t say goodbye to my brother or Lucy, and I certainly don’t say anything to Foster. I can text Rhett when I get home and let him know something came up with the baby.

If I’m going to be a hot mess for the next eighteen years, I think I’ve earned the right to use that as an excuse.

Before I know it, I’m outside. I don’t stop or look back, and I certainly don’t leave one of my shoes behind for some dumbass in tiny blue shorts to come and find me.

The rideshare is here in five minutes, and I’m back in my apartment building, unlocking my door in no time. Or at least it seemed like no time while I was blankly staring out the window and obsessing over that damn kiss.

Yes, even though I told myself I wouldn’t.

The damn rideshare is the only thing that’s gone right tonight, although I’m pretty sure he took a picture of me when I wasn’t paying attention. Not every day you have Cinderella in the backseat of your car.

As I push open my door, exhaustion washes over me. I guess that’s what happens when you haven’t had a solid night’s sleep in months.

I just want to snuggle my baby, take a hot bath, and collapse face first into bed so I can feel sorry for myself.

“You’re back early. I wasn’t expecting you for at least another couple of hours. I was hoping you were the pizza man.” Gloria greets me with a frown. Also, with her unicorn slippers, and a sweater with a ghost that says,I’m too old for this sheet.

Me too, ghost sweater. Me too.

I turn around, surveying the empty hallway behind me before closing my door. “Did you order pizza?”

“Nope.” She smiles wide, batting her professionally extended eyelashes at me. “I was just hoping he’d stop by.”

“That’s because you think he has an eight-and-a-half-inch penis.” I toss her a smirk.

She laughs, her short gray hair bobbing around her head, and bats me with her hand. “I don’t think. I know.”

With that, she gives me a wink and nods to my sofa. I know what this means.

She wants details.

Probably because I’m home early, and I know she’s not going to buy any excuse I’m going to come up with. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to try.

“Ummm…” I play with the zipper on my clutch and glance toward the nursery. “I was kinda hoping to give Mason a kiss goodnight and head to bed. I’m exhausted.”

Gloria clucks her tongue, and this time, she points to the couch. “Don’t think you’re going to show up here hours early without telling me what happened. Your son was a perfect angel and has been in bed for about an hour. He’s fine, I’m not. Out with it, Avery.”
