Page 42 of Dirty Devil

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“Diet Coke for me, please.” I glance at Arden, who nods and takes off for the bar, her purple hair trailing behind her as she weaves through the tables. I turn back to Elle. “I thought you two were going to wait to get married first.”

“We’ve been planning a summer wedding, but if I’m being honest, I’m not feeling it. I don’t want to wait, and neither does he. My parents are the ones that want us to have a big wedding, not us.”

“So… what?” I look between the two sisters. “You elope?”

“My parents would probably murder me if we both got married in Vegas, but we’re thinking something small in the next couple of months.”

“Oh, like New Year’s Eve. That would be magical.”

“Yes, all the magic.” Lucy spins around until she’s facing me and raises a perfectly shaped brow. “Don’t you think you’re getting away with this whole Foster thing, sister. How long have the two of you been dating?”

“And how did it start? We need details,” Elle adds, resting her elbows on the table and giving me her undivided attention.

“I know you won’t say anything in front of your brother, so you have a limited time to spill the beans. Go.”

“Well,” I clear my throat, settling on a half-truth. Besides, Foster isn’t here. Nor did he go over a story with me, so it looks like he’s stuck with whatever I come up with. “You guys know I had a mishap with my car Saturday night and Foster was nice enough to come to my rescue.” I sigh a bit for dramatic effect, but also I’m picturing his dick in those tight shorts.Bad Avery.“I don’t know if it was the Cinderella dress or if his costume was too tight, but shortly after we got out on the dance floor, he asked me out on a date.”

Elle sighs, and unlike mine, I don’t think it’s for dramatic effect, and places a hand over her heart. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but Foster has never shown a real interest in anyone, except you. It’s always been you.” Her eyes narrow on me and she shakes her head. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.”

Maybe because it didn’t exist, and her little southern heart is too nice to tell me that this whole thing is vastly out of character for him. I’ve been to the bars and the parties. She can try all she wants to put some positive light on his past, but I watched him leave with too many girls to believe he was ever in to me, who, at the time, was very pregnant.

“Remember that night at the club?” Lucy’s face scrunches up like she’s deep in thought. “I think it was around the end of April, beginning of May. Foster and Avery danced all night long at that night club opening.”

Not untrue.

I was five months pregnant and feeling some type of way about myself. He came over to cheer me up. Granted, he didn’t have to keep me company all night, but I’m sure it was because the Bruiser brother snagged the two girls he was talking to and his options were running slim.

“Oh, I do remember. And then there was the preseason kick-off party at my place before Mason was born. He watched her like a hawk the entire time.”

Wait… he did? “Really?”

“Oh, yeah. He couldn’t keep his eyes off you.”

Lucy accepts her water from Arden and takes a long sip. “I love the whole alpha personality, and these guys have it in spades.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Luce,” Elle teases as she rests her chin on her palms and smirks, “we all know you like that dominant personality. You married the broodiest guy in hockey.”

“It was an accident.” She tosses her head back and laughs, “But I would do it again in a heartbeat. So…” Lucy turns to face me, her eyes twinkling in the dim lights of the bar. “Did you and Foster go on that date yet? Let me remind you that Rhett and I are available for babysitting.”

“Umm...” I toy with the Diet Coke Arden sets down in front of me before answering, “Not exactly. He invited me out tonight, but—”

“Tonight was a game, so it doesn’t count. He had to be there.”

Elle takes a generous drink of her beer and leans back across the table after thanking Arden. “But he kissed you at the Halloween party. I saw it all over social media the next day. Was that your first kiss?”

“I don’t know how we all missed that,” Lucy grumbles and flicks a lock of hair over her shoulder. “We were literally right there.”

I take a deep breath, transporting myself back to the kiss—to the heat, the tenderness, the hunger, but also the reason for the kiss. The betrayal. The lie. “Yeah... he, uh, did. It was our first kiss.”


Probably our last. “And it was nice.”

“If it was just nice, Princess, I wasn’t doing my job.”


I love seeing Avery blush. I think that’s one of my new favorite things.
