Page 48 of Dirty Devil

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“Do most places?”

He scratches along the side of his chin and takes a moment to answer. “I guess not. Doesn’t mean I like it though.”

“You don’t have to, I feel safe here. Plus, I’m pretty sure Gloria is armed, and if you believe her, she’s a wicked shot.”

“That makes it worse. Thanks, Princess. Now I’m going to have that image in my head all night.”

“You’re welcome.” I lean against my door, one hand already on the doorknob. “Thanks again.”

He doesn’t say anything or make a move to leave, and I’m not sure what to do. There’s no way I’m inviting him inside. But then he locks eyes with mine, and I’m powerless to turn the knob and slip inside like I should.

Something shifts. I don’t know if it’s the air around us or something within me that feels heavy and charged. It’s like a current attaching us, and I don’t know if I’m about to get zapped.

Actually, there’s a good chance I am.

Foster takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly, running a hand through his perfectly tousled hair, and flopping that damned blonde lock on his forehead. That hand doesn’t fall back at his side like it should. Instead, it lands on the doorframe next to my head.

My heart bangs against my rib cage and my palms dampen. This isn’t the plan.

Abort. Abort.

But I can’t get my legs or the hand that’s on the knob to move. And I can’t look away from his piercing blue gaze.

He looks so tormented… broken… torn… I’ve never seen him look so vulnerable.


I reach up, and just this once, let my fingers brush along his forehead, pushing that wayward lock of hair back in place.

His hair is so soft. I want nothing more than to sink my hands into it and pull his face toward mine.

Instead, I let my hand drop to my side.

He lets out another breath, and this time, he leans toward me, his exhale ghosting against my lips. His gaze volleys between my mouth and my eyes, and holy fuck me, he’s going to kiss me.

At least I think he’s going to kiss me. And that’s a really bad fucking idea.

So bad.

Again, I know I should tuck tail and run inside the safety of my apartment but I… I just can’t. I have to know if this is… well, if it’s something.

He leans closer, millimeter by millimeter, until there’s barely any space between us. His eyes close, and so do mine. I swear I feel the barest graze of his lips, and my toes are already curling in my boots.

Foster lets out a soft moan, and then there’s another graze.Holy shit.It’s happening.

I drag my hand off the doorknob, but before I can get it to Foster’s very muscular chest, Mason’s loud cries fill the hall, and we jump apart.

“I should go,” I stammer, looking at the floor, anywhere but at him. “I’ll text you later.”

Without giving him a chance to respond, I turn around and slip into my apartment, but before I can shut the door, Foster is muscling his way in behind me.

“No need. Let me help.”

Doesn’t he know how hard this relationship is to fake right now?


I don’t know what possessed me to follow Avery into her apartment, I really don’t.
