Page 49 of Dirty Devil

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Not after I spent half the night telling myself to back off and give us both space.

And then almost kissing her in the hallway.

What the bloody hell was I thinking?

I’m supposed to be establishing this as afakerelationship, not setting us up with false expectations. The interruption was a Godsend. I have a feeling that kissing Avery once won’t be enough.

Not this time.

I won’t stop until I have her writhing underneath me, screaming my name, and digging her nails into my back.

The polite thing to do right now is thank Avery for coming to the game, tell her I’ll text her later, and get the fuck out of dodge before Gloria has a chance to do another one of her thorough inspections.

But I’m already inside with a front row seat to Avery’s worried expression, and there’s no way I can leave now.

Especially when I know I can help.

After my dad pretty much left my brother’s and me, I was the oldest and virtually on my own to take care of things, so I have an idea of what Avery’s going through, and it sucks. Sure, she has Gloria in her outlandish pie sweater and unicorn slippers, but I’m sure she’d like to go home after being here most of the night.

“Hey there, little guy,” Avery murmurs as she slips a fussy Mason from Gloria’s arms, holding him tight to her chest and rubbing her hand up and down his back. “Are you not feeling well?”

“He’s been unhappy on and off since I tried to put him down for bed. No fever or anything though. I think he might have an upset little tummy. He just had a bit more formula before you got here, and a fresh diaper.” Gloria frowns, but then notices me by the door and quickly adds. “Oh, you brought company home.”

“I didn’t bring him home.” Avery tosses me a pointed look making it clear I’m uninvited, you know, in case her words weren’t enough. “He followed me home and then weaseled his way into my apartment. I’m sure he has better things to do than hang out with me.”

Nice try.

I open my arms and hold my hands up which only makes her eyes narrow on me. “I’m here to help.”

Just so there’s no mistaking my intentions of staying here, I take off my black suit jacket and hang it in the coat closet to the right of the door. Then I get to work unbuttoning each cuff of my white dress shirt and rolling the sleeves up the length of my forearm.

By the time I finish, Mason has quieted down, and I have both girls giving me their undivided attention.

Even Gloria’s unicorn slippers are watching me, which is unnerving to say the least.

I meet Avery’s heated gaze. She blinks, and as soon as she realizes what she was doing, averts her eyes to the top of Mason’s head, a pink blush spreading across her cheeks.

“What’s the matter, Princess?” I smirk, crossing my arms, making sure to flex a little bit as I do. “Didn’t your mum tell you that it’s not polite to stare?”

Gloria stops in front of me and squeezes both biceps. “I’m sure she did, but I told her that staring was acceptable with guns like these, and a dick as thick as a tree trunk.”

I open my mouth to respond but end up doubled over choking on my own spit.

Gloria pats me on the back, or rather I think that was her initial intention, but then she ends up rubbing the muscles in my back and humming her approval.

“Didn’t mean to get you all choked up.” She winks as she fans herself, now openly ogling me. I feel like this might be a little worse than the first time. “That was hot. I’m a sucker for forearm porn. Keep that up, and I might have to divorce Paul for the second time.”

“Gloria.” Avery makes a face and tries to get her attention off me, but it doesn’t work.

I wave her off with a chuckle. “Don’t worry; I’ll keep my arms to myself next time. I’d hate for your husband to come after me.”

“Oh, you can take him. He’s not very brawny, but don’t worry, he makes up for it in other areas.”

Jesus. She’s not afraid to share.

I really don’t know what to say to that, and even though I have no idea what her husband looks like, I’m getting a mental image I’m pretty sure is going to haunt me when I close my eyes tonight.

“Alright, Gloria,” Avery says as she ushers her toward the door, and I make my way further into her apartment. “As much as I’m loving this conversation, I think it’s about your bedtime.”
