Page 91 of Dirty Devil

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I think I’m in shock.

“Let me get this little guy to bed, and you can tell me all about book club.”

I’m rooted to the spot, but at least by the time he comes back, I’ve managed to close my mouth. #winning.

“You danced with my baby,” I say slowly as Foster puts his arms around me and pulls me against his chest.

“Yep.” He slants his lips across mine, and I sink into his kiss, but he pulls back way too soon, smirking at me, and fuck if I’m not ready to swoon. “And now I’m going to dance with you.”

I think it’s safe to sayThe Crushis no longer an issue.

I’m in love with this man. I just hope he doesn’t break me.


I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m not a guy who bakes or plans a surprise birthday dinner, yet here I am with lasagna that belongs in the bin and cake that’s both in and out of the cake pan.

Guess who forgot to use cooking spray.

This guy.

If you’ve ever seen the show,Nailed It, this cake looks like a replica from one of their contestants, and that’s not a good thing.

It’s pretty much a lump with icing spread across it.

Nothing says happy birthday more than a pile of cake and lasagna that’s both undercooked and burnt. It’s the thought that counts, right?Right?

I don’t have time to fix it—which means ordering something and having it delivered—because the elevator dings and I can hear everyone pouring out of the elevator and crowding into Rhett and Lucy’s penthouse.

“Do you smell that?” Rhett’s voice cuts through the chatter. “Goddammit.”

He’s around the corner seconds later, his arms crossed, and his brows raised. His face is impassive as he takes in the mess I made in his kitchen, and then me.

“Dinner was a success.” I open my arms, gesturing around the space where there are empty cans, boxes, and splatters of sauce.

“Smells like it,” he grunts, nodding toward the stove. “It’s a little smoky in here. Burn something?”

“That’s just the smell of my love for you, big guy.”

Rhett growls. I growl. I also try to hide the mountain of cake, but there’s no hiding this monstrosity.

Lucy comes up beside her husband and puts a hand on his arm. His growling stops and instead of glaring at me, his gaze drops down to hers, and he looks at her with complete adoration and devotion.

Normally, I’d make a comment about being pussy whipped, but I’m trying to bake for his sister so…

“Is something on fire?” Tag comes around the corner, his arm around Elle, sniffing the air, and I want to slap the nose off his face. “You’re cooking? I didn’t know you could cook.”

“Obviously not,” Rhett deadpans, pressing a kiss to Lucy’s temple.

Jazz, Linc, and a cranky looking Gordon join the group, with Avery bringing up the rear. She looks beautiful with her dark brown hair in waves around her shoulders, a pair of tight jeans hugging all her curves, and a low cut hunter green sweater that shows off her amazing cleavage.

Cleavage I need to try not to stare at in front of her brother and my teammates.

She also looks very surprised, her mouth dropped open in a perfect little O that I’d like nothing more than to stick my dick through, but people are present, and her brother is the biggest boner killer around.

“What’s all this?” Avery stops next to Lucy, two little lines appearing between her brows.

“Surprise.” I move to the side, showing off what I will generously call ‘the cake’, and the molten lasagna with very crispy cheese. “Happy early birthday.”
