Page 92 of Dirty Devil

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“If you wanted to kill us, I feel like there are better, quicker alternatives.”

Thank you, Gordon, for your two cents, even though everyone else is nice enough to keep their mouths shut and give Avery and me some privacy.

“I am surprised,” she says slowly, a smile growing across her face. “I can’t believe you cooked. And baked.”

Rhett put up a finger. “I feel like we’re using those two terms very loosely here.”

“Fuck off, you twat.”

“Again, with the vagina.”

“If the panties fit.”

He gives me a very unamused look, even though Lucy is laughing into his side. “I’m ordering pizza.”

“Thank God,” Gordon scoffs, making himself at home in the spacious living room. “That smells worse than anything Jazz has tried to cook for me, and that’s saying something.”

“Hey. It’s not that bad.” She gives him a playful slap, sitting down next to him on the couch and dragging Lincoln down with her. Gordon looks slightly uncomfortable which makes me feel marginally better.

Avery steals my attention as she comes around the island while everyone else follows Gordon, and Lucy grabs some games from the hallway closet.

“It may not be the most edible thing, but hopefully it’s the thought that counts.” I tuck her into my side, something I’ve done countless times over the past few weeks, but how well she fits still amazes me. It’s like we were made for each other.

She looks up at me, her eyes swimming with emotion. “Seeing my brother’s face when he thought his kitchen was on fire made it all worth it.” She lowers her voice and burrows further into my side. “No one has ever made me a birthday dinner before.”

“No one? Not even your parents?”

“No.” She shakes her head, a lock of hair falling into her face and I’m quick to brush it away. “Trust me, in my house you didn’t want to be the center of attention. And then after I moved out, it was never a big deal. Even last year…”

She trails off and I don’t need her to finish. Last year when she was with Ron ‘Fuckface’ Cooper. It doesn’t surprise me he didn’t do anything for her.

I’d like nothing more than to rip his hands from his body at the game tomorrow night. Partially for being a grade A prick, and partially for thinking he had any right to touch Avery in the first place.

Then there’s their meeting.

It’s a good thing they’re meeting somewhere public before the game and there’s no way I’ll be able to be there. I know myself, and I wouldn’t be able to control my temper with his smug-ass face sitting across from me. Not sure the new GM would appreciate me getting arrested before a game.

It would guarantee my trade to another team, and Avery and I have worked too hard on my image to throw it away for one asshole.

Even if he is a big one.

Ignoring the anger rising deep in my core, I turn and cup her face with my hands. “You’re a big deal, and you deserve to be celebrated. You should feel special every single day, but especially on your birthday.”

“I mean, technically my birthday isn’t until Tuesday.”

“Yeah, but we’ll be in Arizona.”

“Foster,” she sighs my name like a plea, like a promise. “What’s happening between us? Is this still supposed to be fake?”

“I’m not sure if it ever felt fake.”

In this moment, her brother doesn’t matter, and neither do my teammates. My entire world shrinks down to the two of us. Hell, she is my world, and damn if she isn’t looking at me like I’m hers.

One hand goes to her hair; gripping the soft strands and tilting her head back as my other winds around her waist and pulls her against me. I lower my lips to hers in a kiss that starts chaste but soon becomes all tongue, teeth, and passion.

I can’t get close enough, deep enough.

Her arms wind around my neck and her hands find their way to my hair, pulling on the strands, and my control is pulled so thin I’m afraid it might snap any second.
