Page 102 of Strictly Pleasure

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But Liam’s the one he reaches for, his hands clinging onto the lapels of his tuxedo. Reluctantly, Myles passes him over and Liam whispers in Charlie’s ear.

And he gives the most delightful laugh. We all stared, rapt. Even Lincoln looks a little broody.

“What did you say to him?” Ava asks, smiling.

Liam lifts a brow. “Just a little uncle nephew thing.”

“I heard what he said.” Myles stares at Liam. “And thank you for telling my son you’ve been getting jiggy.”

Eli coughs out a laugh. I’m stuck somewhere between mortification and amusement. And Liam just shrugs because that’s what Liam does.

When Ava tries to take Charlie back, he clings tighter to Liam’s jacket. So he carries him up to the house, his big hand cradling Charlie’s head, and I have to send an SOS to my ovaries to calm the heck down.

When we reach the house, Linda and Deandra walk out to greet us, Julia and Rupert behind them. Everybody hugs everybody but before we can walk inside, the doorbell rings and the guests begin to arrive. Liam slides his hand around my waist and kisses my brow.

“Okay?” he asks.

“I’m more than all right.”

His eyes are soft. “That’s good. Because as soon as this party’s over we’re going back to your cabin.”

I lift a brow, secretly pleased that he wants to be alone with me. “What about Ariel?”

“Holden’s going to give her his room. I’ve made him an offer he can’t refuse.”

“What kind of offer?” I’m intrigued now.

“Probably best not to share specifics,” Liam says. “But believe me when I say you’re more than worth it.”



The party is in full swing by ten that evening. The music is pumping and the weather has improved enough for the party to spill out onto the patio. Liam has been cornered by an old family friend who I gather from their conversation is also an investor, so I leave them to talk shop and head for the bathroom. They actually have separate ladies’ and men’s’ bathrooms, with two stalls and two sinks. I guess they host a lot and it made sense.

I’m reapplying my lipstick when my phone vibrates in my purse and I pull it out, seeing my dad’s name on the screen.

“Hey Dad,” I say, putting the lid back onto the lipstick and sliding it into my purse. “You okay?”

“I just wanted to let you know I’m fine,” he says. “Despite the storm.”

My stomach drops. “Did something happen?”

“The roof tiles slipped. One of them shattered at my feet as I was trying to stop the trash cans from rolling down the hill.”

I grimace. “It hit Charleston bad, huh?”

“For a while. Imagine my surprise when it started.” Uhoh he sounds annoyed. “If only I had a daughter who could have warned me.”

I wrinkle my nose. “Did I not tell you last night?” I run my mind back over our conversation. Surely I would have told him to secure everything.

“Nope. Not a word.”

Oops. I think I was pretty distracted by the thought of seeing Liam.

“But you saw the weather forecast, right?”

“No. Just knew it was storming when it hit.”
