Page 115 of Strictly Pleasure

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I take a deep breath and tell them about the report. About the email. About not realizing until last night that I’d sent it to our competitor. Rhian is scribbling down everything I say on her notepad, while Monica from HR is shaking her head.

“When did you become aware of it?” Donald asks Michael.

“Well, I found out yesterday that the report hadn’t been submitted,” Michael says, his voice even. “And then Sophie told me it had been sent to the wrong address when I called her. Obviously I realized it was a catastrophe of the highest order, and with Sophie being away I took the initiative and called you.” He looks pleased with himself.

Donald nods and looks at me. “Did you raise the alarm as soon as you realized your error?”

“Yes I did.”

“But it doesn’t alter the fact that our competitor now knows what happened,” Michael points out. Rhian lifts a brow.

The lawyers nod.

“I have requested a call back from the network’s legal team,” Charles Faulkener says. “That should be taking place right after this meeting. We’ll then agree on an approach to the competitor’s team.”

“I’ve also got a call in to the CEO,” Donald says. “Sophie, we’re going to have to ask you to stay away from the station for the next few days.”

I blink. “I’m suspended?”

“We need to show the network that we’re taking this seriously. I understand it was human error, but the effect could be catastrophic.” He looks at Monica from HR. “Could you escort Sophie out?”

“But…” My heart is racing. “Michael can’t run the weather desk alone.”

“Madison can help me,” Michael points out. “I’ll be fine.”

“The weather team isn’t your concern right now,” Donald tells me. “Please just do as I ask.”

Monica stands and gives me a sympathetic smile. I follow her out, and as the door closes I hear the conversation begin again. Without speaking, Monica hits the button for the elevator, and when it arrives we both step inside.

“Do you have things to pick up from your desk?” she asks softly.

“My bag. And my laptop.” I frown. “Should I leave that here for now?”

“I’ll take the laptop. You just take your personal things.”

It sounds like the end. “Okay.”

When the elevator opens onto my floor, we step out and Monica walks slightly ahead of me. The sound of our shoes hitting the tiled floor echoes in the hallway. Lisa walks out of the sports office and frowns when she sees us.

“How did it go?” she asks.

I shake my head because I think I might cry if I speak.

“What’s happening?” She follows the two of us into the weather office. I unplug the laptop and hand it to Monica.

“Oh no,” Lisa says. “They fired you?”

“Suspended,” I say, my voice thick.

“This isn’t fair,” she tells Monica. “Sophie’s been working every free moment to finish that submission. She’s overworked and underpaid and has been covering for Michael for months.”

“She’s not being fired,” Monica says. “If that’s a possibility she’ll have the opportunity to defend herself.”

Lisa stands with me as I pack my things into my bag. Monica watches us from next to the door, my laptop in her arms.

“Is that everything?” she asks me.

I nod.
