Page 35 of Last Love

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She states it as fact, and I see a table of LOLs paying attention to us. Damn. Liv will not like that.

“No. She has a dog that jumps the fence.”

“Is that a euphemism?” Wyatt asks.

I send him a stink eye. “I thought you didn’t want to be here.”

“I don’t and I blame all of your equally.”

I dismiss him and look at my sister and her bestie. “Houdini apparently lives up to his name. He’s been in my yard twice now. Her kids were looking for him this morning, and I offered them breakfast.”

“Did you make them bacon gravy?” Becca asks.

“Yes,” I say with a chuckle. “That’s all that happened.”

Everly is studying me like she wants to ask me more questions, but thankfully Jessica shows up with their food.

“Did you get answers?” Jessica asks.

“The hell?”

She shrugs. “Everly showed up irritated. I figured she was mad at you about something.”

“Yeah,” Everly says.

“I heard it was Liv Edwards. She was in here yesterday.”

“I am right here, jerks.”

If it was just Everly, I would have called her an asshole, but Jessica works for me, so I can’t say that. Although they are both her and Everly are being assholes.

Both of them ignore me. “You met her?”

She nods. “Sweet kids and she’s so nice. Callie’s a dancer. That’s the oldest. Looks just like her mama. Then, there’s the little man. And big guy here was gaga over her.”

“I was not.”

I was.

“He was,” she says, giggling. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look like he’d been smacked upside the head with a two-by-four before.”

“I think I hear you have an order up,” I say.

She snorts, but says nothing as she leaves them to their meals. All three of them are staring at me now. “What?”

“You were gaga over this woman?” Becca asks in a soft voice. Becca is the light to my sister’s dark, and always has her head up in the clouds. She believes in happily ever afters.

“I was not gaga. She is attractive though.”

Attractive is such a simple word for what Liv is. Tasty, amazing, funny, and when I’m sinking into her, it feels like I’m coming home.

Fuck. Now, I’m starting to get hard. In the middle of my restaurant. Holding my niece.

“How attractive?” Wyatt asks in a matter-of-fact tone. It isn’t that he’s showing any kind of interest at all. In fact, he sounds bored with the conversation. But jealousy—something I have never really felt before over a woman—hits me in the chest.

“She’s not your type.”

He glances over at me. The slant of his gaze tells me he picked up on my feelings and he’s going to give me shit over it. He says nothing at the moment, but I know it will get brought up.
