Page 8 of Last Love

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“You need to get laid.”

Don’t we all, but I’m not about to admit that.

“Probably,” Cora says.

My cheeks are burning because of my last thoughts. “Hey!”

Yes, I know that Avery had said that was the main reason for the trip, but she’s been so distracted by Vegas that she left me alone.

“Sex is good for you, Liv. You know that. When did you last have a man touch you?” Gerry asks.

I don’t care if she is a doctor. I refuse to talk about my sex life—or lack thereof— with these drunkards. It is not out of the realm of possibility that they would do something embarrassing like asking able-bodied men to relieve my very dry spell.

“Maybe you’re ashking the wrong question,” Avery says as she tries to capture her straw with her mouth but fails because she’s so stinking drunk.

“What question should we be asking?” Gerry asks.

“Maybe, we should be asking if she’s, you know, changed her tastes.”

For a moment, I have no idea what she’s talking about. Then, in one blinding instant, it hits me.

“Are you wondering if I’m a lesbian now?”

Avery blinks and tries her best to look innocent. She fails. Oh, other people think she looks naive, but I know her. There’s a very devious mind behind those big brown eyes.

“She’s not asking that,” Gerry says at the same time Avery says, “Maybe.”

Gerry whips her head around and frowns at Avery.

“You don’t become a lesbian,” I say. “You’re born that way.”

“I know that,” Avery says. “I thought, well, maybe you discovered you’re one.”

Cora ignores all of this as she tries to flag down a waitress. I look around and realize we have gained some attention. Of course, we have. We always do. This might be Vegas, but even here we’re a spectacle. We’re loud and a bit obnoxious on the best of days, but it gets out of control when we add alcohol to any situation.

And I’ve had enough. “I’m going to bed.”

“Noooooo!” all three of them yell out.

“Yes. We have to leave in the morning, and I’m getting a migraine.”

It’s a lie, but they’re so drunk, they don’t call me on it. They all nod, even though Avery is giving me her worst frown. I escape as fast as I can. They’ll be back to our suite and loud as hell, but I’m getting in that massive tub. I love a good bath, and I haven’t had enough downtime for it since I arrived.

As I make my way through the casino to where the rooms are, I still regret they turned down my idea for the girls’ weekend. I thought we should just hang out in the room, order room service and sleep.

I was outvoted.

They’ve been using my new job as a reason for the trip, but I know better. I wouldn’t put it past Avery to tell my sisters I need to get laid so we should go to Vegas. They’re pushovers and it has been a long time since we’ve spent time together like this. I don’t regret this trip, but I’m ready to go home.

I get to the bank of elevators and press the button and then wait. It’s still early by Vegas standards, just before midnight, but my mornings start early with two kids and an office to run. When I was an Army wife, I was up before dawn most days, and it’s a hard habit to break, especially with so many plates spinning in the air.

The elevator door opens, and a bunch of rowdy frat boy types comes pouring out of it. Wherever they were, they’ve been drinking…a lot. A wave of beer aroma slaps me before one of them stumbles into me. I lose my balance and fall backward. Unable to gain my balance, I topple over. I close my eyes, thinking the hard marble floor will hurt like a bitch when I hit it, but I never land.

Instead, a pair of hands are there to catch me.

“Whoa,” a deep male voice says.

I open my eyes and find my rescuer is possibly the most beautiful man I have ever seen. Well, upside down because of our positions, but he’s got to be just as attractive right-side up. Instantly, my heartbeat increases, and my brain loses all thought. It’s an odd sensation and one I haven’t experienced for a really long time. Other than the times I give in to the secret pint of Blue Bell Mint Chocolate Chip I keep at the back of the freezer.
