Page 9 of Last Love

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He’s looking down at me, his full lips curving up or down, you know what I mean. It’s one of those sexy quirk of the lips that men probably practice in the mirror, but I have a feeling this dude doesn’t have to do that.

He helps me up, and I look at him. Good God, he could be a movie star. He’s even more attractive right-side up and probably about a decade younger than me.

He towers over me, which isn’t easy. I’m five-eight, and I’m also wearing heels. He has green eyes and the most beautiful dark hair with golden strands threaded throughout. It’s thick, has a little wave, and it’s just a tad bit too long, like he usually keeps it shorter but he’s let it go. It curls over the collar of his red button-down shirt. I curl my fingers into my palm.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. All part of the service.” There’s a twang to his voice I didn’t pick up on before. Definitely Texan, like me.

“And what service would that be?” As soon as I ask it, I realize how flirty I sound. Yeah, this hot younger man is flirting with me. I want to roll my eyes at myself.

I barely notice that the elevator doors have shut.

“Well, for a goddess like you, just about anything you like.”

My heart does a little dance, as do my lady bits. It’s been a long time since a man has paid attention to me. I get some guys who might flirt, but they all know the story in my small town. Single mom, widow, lots of baggage with a crazy extended family.

“That’s sweet of you to say.” I pat his hand and try not to pay attention to the zing that hits me. It’s like a crazy spark of energy.

He twitches like he felt it too. “For some reason, I get the idea that you don’t think I’m serious.”

I smile and reach over to push the button again. This man looks like a good time. Closer in age to Avery and probably more her type. He might be a Texan, but I’m going to say he’s more of a free spirit kind of guy. He has a nose piercing, which usually wouldn’t turn me on, but, damn if it doesn’t turn me on. I see tattoos peeking out beneath the cuff of his right sleeve, and I get this feeling from him. This is a guy who has no problem with loving and leaving a woman.

“I think you’re very nice in saying that.”

He frowns and cocks his head while he studies me. “That sounded patronizing.”

“Well,” I say, leaning closer and breathing in his scent. He smells like seduction with a hint of whiskey. “I’m a little too old for you.”

“What if I tell you that I caught you so easily because I couldn’t take my gaze off your fantastic ass?”

If my brain was blank when I first saw him, it is now gelatin mush.


His smile widens. “I was tryin’ to figure out what kind of panties you’re wearin’.”

I blink and almost tell him they’re cheeky panties, but I catch myself just in time. I’ve never had a man be so blatant with me, especially a stranger.

Well, except once. But I’m not that girl anymore.

He holds out his hand, and I stare down at it. “I won’t bite unless you ask me.”

My gaze shoots up to his, and I see the amusement there, but I also see the seriousness. This beautiful man is coming on to me. I don’t do things like this.Ever. Not even before I was married, but I tend to play it even safer since I’ve been widowed. I have two very important people who need me.

“My name’s Mason.”

I should run away. This man is walking temptation, one I don’t have the time for. Instead, I take his hand. It’s warm and calloused. A shiver of need hits me hard as I wonder how it will feel to have those hands dancing over my skin, teasing my nipples.


“Liv…I like that. How about we get a drink together?” He lets go of my hand, and I instantly feel bereft. Silly, I know. “One drink. If you still think I’m too young for you, I’ll be on my merry way.”

This isn’t what I should be doing. I should be marching up to my room and taking that bath. It’s a luxury I rarely get at home.

Instead, I smile, letting go of my worries, of everything that has me freaking out like I’m too old for him and a man hasn’t seen me naked since my old OBGYN delivered my son. Why that particular thought popped into my head, I have no idea. And that’s what’s wrong with me. For the first time in over five years, I decide to take a chance.

“Okay, but just one drink.”
