Page 2 of Claiming Shelby

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My grandpa looked after me whenever my parents had to work. He walked me to school each day and picked me up with a picnic basket. We’d go to the park and walk, watch the birds, and eat. He’d tell me stories about when my mom was little and about my grandma. When something good or bad happened at school, he was the first one I’d tell. Sometimes, the only one. He was a good secret keeper.

I cross the street and enter the park on the other side of the hospital. I’ve never been to this one before, but all parks make me feel safe and relaxed. There’s a coffee kiosk at the entrance, and I can’t resist the lure of fresh coffee permeating the air.

“Large Americano, please,” I say to the woman behind the cart.

She pours the coffee for me. Before I can pay for it, a hand reaches over my shoulder with a twenty-dollar bill.

“Same for me,” says a deep voice. “I’ve got them both.”

I turn to glare at the man behind me. I don’t need some asshole hitting on me while I’m dealing with my grandpa dying in a hospital room across the street.

“I don’t need you to—”

I come to an abrupt halt as I look up into the most beautiful pair of brown eyes I’ve ever seen. And Iamlooking up because he’s so tall. I’m average height, but this man is a giant—broad shoulders, sharp jawline, and a warm smile that does odd things to my nether regions.

“Buy you a coffee?” he finishes. He gives me a thoughtful look. “Yeah, I can tell you’re the type of woman that doesn’t need anyone. Or think you don’t. But I saw you cross over from the hospital, and I can see you’re having a bad day. You look sad. So, how about you be my good deed for the day?”


The woman at the cart hands him his coffee and change, and I snap my mouth shut.

“I’m on my lunch break if you fancy sharing that bench over there?” he asks, pointing behind me.

“I came here to be alone,” I say quickly.

I don’t need someone I don’t even know thinking he can rescue me. I don’t need rescuing. Certainly not by a tall, gorgeous man with obsidian eyes and a body made for sin.

I turn to walk away.


His hand touches my shoulder, and I almost crumble under its warmth. So alive. I need to get away from him, so I can keep it together.

I’m about to give him an earful when I turn to see he’s holding a card toward me.

“If you change your mind, call me.”

I take the card, glance at it, and let it flutter to the ground. “I won’t.”

He smiles, unaffected by my rudeness. Then he turns and walks away.

When I’m sure he’s not going to turn around and see me, I bend over and pick up the card. Because even though I’m freaking out about my grandpa not being with us for much longer, this tall, handsome stranger has affected me in a way no man ever has.

I don’t understand it. I’m not feeling this wild attraction because I want to. It just…is.

I take a breath and look down at the card. I just need to know his name. I’m not going to call him.

Chapter Two


I barely noticethe people who greet me as I walk through the office. All I can think about is the woman with sad blue eyes.

Her blonde hair was tucked into her jacket, but when she turned to glare at me for paying for her coffee, all I wanted to do was pull her against me, run my hand over her hair, and tell her everything was going to be okay.

I wasn’t looking to pick her up or anything. Offering to pay for her coffee was an impulse—not something I make a habit of.

My mouth tugs up in a smile. She wasn’t having any of it.She’s independent. Spirited. And sad.
