Page 5 of Claiming Shelby

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“I’m sure Tony has better options than the crazy, grief-stricken cowbag who, as far as he knew, threw his card to the ground like it was trash. Even if he knows now that I secretly kept hold of it.”

I think back to the new one he gave me. The one with his personal number. He wouldn’t have given me that if he didn’t want me to call … right?

“There’s so much to do, Poppy. Mom and Dad can’t do it all alone.Grandpa’s house needs clearing out, and we need to go through his things …” I trail off, swallowing past the huge lump of emotion in my throat.

“Honey, the only thing you need to do right now is call work and let them know you need more time off. Then you to take each day, each task, as it comes.”

Silence stretches between us as I absorb her advice.

“I’m sorry I can’t be with you,” Poppy murmurs.

“Don’t be sorry. You’re always there for me when I need you, and there’s nothing you can do other than give me a hug.” I sigh wistfully. A hug from my best friend would help me so much right now.

“Maybe you can ask the handsome lawyer. Sounds as if he’d be more than happy to give you a hug,” she teases.

I can picture her cheeky grin, which brings a small smile to my lips.“Yeah, right. Listen, I better get going. I’ve cried myself into dehydration.”

“Call me whenever, okay?”

I nod before realizing she can’t see me. “I will.”

“And consider calling the lawyer too,” Poppy suggests. “Maybe you were fated to meet. Maybe your grandpa is working his magic from Heaven.”

We say our goodbyes, and I shake my head as I hang up. I’m not sure I believe in fate. But I do like the idea of Grandpa looking down on me and watching over me.

My chat with Poppy has helped to lift the waves of grief pummeling me relentlessly. I know they’ll be back, but I enjoy the brief respite.

I pad downstairs to the kitchen and pour myself some water and add ice.

Dad is on the phone, and Mom is sitting on the sofa with her feet tucked beneath her. She looks pale and tired. Losing Grandpa has aged her in the space of days. Seeing her so vulnerable makes me want to cry again.

I manage to somehow hold myself together and sit beside her, taking her hand in mine.

She looks at me and blinks.“Oh, sorry,baby. I was in a world of my own.”

“It’s okay, Mom. Can I get you a drink?” I don’t know the last time any of us ate. I should make us something, but I’m not sure if we can face it.

“I’ve let everyone know,” Dad says gently as he joins us in the living room.

“Thanks, darling,” Mom says, giving him a weak smile. “I’ll cook us some dinner,” she says, slowly rising from the sofa.

I squeeze her hand before releasing it.“I’ll help.”

The three of us head into the kitchen, settling on a light salad as no one wants anything heavy. The weight of our grief is enough to carry without a plate full of carbs.

Dad tries to make light conversation, but his voice has a strained quality as he searches for a topic that won’t trigger Mom or me.

I push the salad around my plate, and Mom reaches across the table for my hand. I glance up to find her eyes full of tears which immediately have mine filling again.

Will I ever stop crying?

The doorbell rings, causing us to jump. Dad stands and answers the door, returning with a huge bouquet of flowers. The delicate aroma of white lilies fills the kitchen, fresh and light.

Dad plucks the card from its holder and says, “From the lawyer’s office.”

“That’s thoughtful of them,” Mom says, dashing away a tear.

Dad roots around in the cupboard for a vase, filling it with water and arranging the flowers in it. He carries it into the living room and places it on a side table.
