Page 7 of Claiming Shelby

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“Thankyou,” she says, dipping her eyes. “For the flowers and the coffee, I’m sorry I was so rude before.”

“It’s understandable.”

As we sit, she lets out a shaky sigh and begins to fiddle with the fringe of her scarf.

“What brings you back this way?” I ask.

“The hospital still had a few of grandpa’s belongings.” She lifts her eyes to mine, looking for something, it seems. “I saw you join the queue as I left the hospital.” Her eyes well, but she holds the tears back like a warrior. Who has taught her to keep her grief inside?

“I see,” I say, by way of trying to continue the conversation, to keep her talking, to keep her here. “You know, it’s okay to cry. To show that you feel sad.”

Her face pulls into a frown.“Tony”—she looks at me before dropping her gaze away again.

I want to reach for her chin, tip her head and kiss those beautiful rosebud lips.

Her words seem to fall away, and she shakes her head and sighs again.

“What is it, Shelby?” A thousand scenarios run through my mind, and all of them end up with me and her spending the day together s.

“It’s nothing. I need to get going.”

She stands and begins to walk away, and disappointment squeezes my heart. Should I go after her? Would that scare her?

For one short and shining moment, I thought I saw something in her eyes that told me she felt this too.


When I return to my office, I’m surprised to find Mr. Blake waiting for me. I look over at Larissa, who offers a shrug and looks as surprised as me.

I take a deep breath and steel my resolve. I’m a good lawyer. A great lawyer. A couple of hiccups shouldn’t mean the end of my career with the firm.

I open my office door.

Chapter Five


In the past five years,I haven’t met a single man I was interested in dating. I admit I’m pretty picky. But every time I caved in and went on a date with someone because one of my friends insisted he was perfect for me, he turned out to be a total douche canoe. So I stopped dating. I’m focusing on myself, my career, and my future. I don’t need a man in my life.

So why does Tony guy have to step in now?

Of all the times to be attracted to someone, why now? When my grandpa has just died, and I should be mourning?Hell, Iammourning. I miss him with every breath.

I pull Tony’s card out of my pocket. Sure enough, his home phone number is on it. Does he save these for the women he’s trying to pick up? I have a feeling that’s not what he’s about. I saw the look in his eyes. It wasn’t a predatory look. It was a look that made me feel safer than I’d ever felt around any other man.

Most men make me feel like they’re waiting for the signal to jump my bones. But Tony is different. Looking into his eyes, I could see that he had complete control of himself and would never release his desires on me without my permission.

It’s more than feeling safe, though. I’d be lying to myself if I denied that there isn’t a powerful attraction between us. When I was in his office, I had this image of me splayed out on his desk while he fisted my hair and rutted into me. I felt guilty for even going there in my head while we were discussing Grandpa’s estate. But I can’t deny the pull I feel toward him.

I’m not sure if it’s the way he soothes my soul when I’m near him or how he makes me want to rip his clothes off and ride him bronco style that puts me in motion, but before I know it, I’m tugging on my coat again and heading for the door.

“Where are you going, honey?” Mom asks. “Dinner is going to be ready soon.”

“I’m not hungry, Mom. I need to get some air. I’ll be back soon,” I reply with a forced smile.

When I’m a couple of blocks from the house, I go into a cafe and order a latte. At a window table, I pull out the card again. Do I dare? Should I call him? No. I most definitely shouldnotcall him.

Before I can overthink it further, I dial the number with shaking fingers.
