Page 11 of Vegas Vows

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“I can’t move,” Eden groans.

“Me either,” I mutter, pushing Eden over and burying my head under the pillow with her.

“How are we going to answer the door?”

I groan, not wanting to think that far ahead.

“I called. You can go get it.”

“Such a gentleman,” she grumbles and when she elbows me in the side, I know that I’ll be getting up to answer the door when the coffee comes.

We’re both quiet and we must both fall back asleep because the knock on the door causes both of us to startle and then groan.

“Rock, paper, scissors?” I ask and I feel Eden nod next to me.

We both crack our eyes open and count to three. I throw rock and Eden does paper.

I curse creatively as I crawl out of bed and stumble toward the door.

The room service guy rolls in our tray of coffee and I tip him, pouring myself a cup and gulping it down. It burns my tongue but I don’t care.

I pour myself another cup and grab one for Eden before I head back to the bedroom. The lights don’t feel like pin pricks anymore and I take another gulp of coffee as I head over to the bed.

Eden sits up, looking exhausted with her eyes bleary. Her dark auburn hair is hanging in her face and as I move to pass her the cup of coffee, she reaches up and pushes the heavy mass out of her face.

My eyes snag on her hand and I freeze, the cup suspended between us as I stare at her.

“What?” Eden asks, squinting up at me.

Her mascara is stained under her eyes, her face flushed from being buried under a pillow.

“What’s that on your hand?” I ask, even though it’s pretty obvious what it is.

“What?” she croaks, holding both of her hands in front of her.

We both stare down at the large diamond ring on her left hand in silence.

The silence stretches for long minutes until Eden snaps out of it.

“I’m sorry… did we get married last night?”



“No,”Alexander says right away.

He sounds so sure and confident and I can’t remember marrying him, either, but then I glance at his hands.

“Are you sure about that, honey?” I ask, nodding to his ring finger.

He looks down, his eyes widening as he stares at the plain gold band on his left hand.

“Jesus Christ, Anthony and Ames are never going to let me hear the end of this,” he whispers, closing his eyes in pain.

My hangover is quickly disappearing and being replaced with panic as I try to remember the events from last night. Everything after the Blue Man Group show is a blur. I remember some bright lights, but in Las Vegas, that could be literally anywhere and anything.

“We would have to have something, right?” Alexander asks and I can see him struggling to clear his head so he can think this through.
