Page 16 of Vegas Vows

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“So… we’re not married?” I ask slowly, wanting to clarify one more time.

“No, not yet,” Elvis says with a patient smile.

I’m afraid to look at Alexander.

What if he looks relieved? What am I thinking? Of course he’s going to look relieved. We’re not dating, he’s never even shown an interest in me. Of course he’s going to be happy that he didn’t get blind drunk and marry his assistant in a Las Vegas chapel with Elvis officiating.

That might be the craziest sentence that I’ve ever thought.

“Did you want to get married?” Elvis tries again.

I stare at him blankly. Alexander must be doing the same because he doesn’t answer either. I’m too afraid to look at him to check though.

“Ah, pre-wedding jitters,” Elvis says with a little chuckle. “We see it all the time, but you don’t need to worry. Cupid’s Chapel is special.”

“It is?” Alexander asks, looking around skeptically.

The chapel is actually pretty nice on the inside with dark hardwood floors and pristine white walls. The front desk looks organized and all of the employees seem happy and put together. Pretty roses sit in vases on top of gleaming accent tables and there’s a nice waiting room off to the side.

“It is!” Elvis says, drawing my attention back to him. “No couple who was married here has ever been divorced. Everyone that we wed stays married,” he says proudly.

“Really,” Alexander says and I can tell that he doesn’t believe him.

“Really. My wife and I were married here, and our son married his wife here, too,” he says, nodding to the other two Cupid employees.

“Do you want to get married now?” Ellen asks, flipping through a book in her hands. “We have a wedding scheduled in an hour, but we can fit you in if we do it now,” she says with a big smile.

I freeze.

What do I say to that? Do I want to marry Alexander?


The answer comes right away and shocks me. I knew that I was attracted to him, who wouldn’t be? I just had no idea my feelings had changed and become deeper, stronger.

Sure, we’ve grown closer the longer that I’ve worked for him and I think he’s smart and funny, but when did I fall in love with him?

I mean, Alexander can be so grumpy. Although, I actually think that it’s kind of cute. I love his sense of humor and how sarcastic he can be. I admire how smart and hard-working he is, but does that all add up to love?

I guess I always thought that falling in love would be this big thing that happened. Like in the movies or in romance books. I would just look into my boyfriend’s eyes and the world would shift. Love would hit me and I would realize that he was the one for me.

None of that happened with Alexander.

He’s not my boyfriend. If I’m staring into his eyes, he’s probably glaring at me or saying something sarcastic. There wasn’t any earth-shattering, big moment when I felt it.

Instead, it’s been happening slowly, little by little, every day.

Every time he made me laugh; I fell. Every time he did something sweet for me, like take me out to dinner or buy me new shoes or invite me over to spend the holidays with him and his family, I fell. Every time I’ve seen him be vulnerable with me, every time he’s reminded me to eat or looked after me, I fell.

I’ve been falling in love with Alexander since the day I met him.

Can I say yes, though? If I do and he says no, how will I ever face him again? I’ll have to find a new job and leave New York.

I chance a peek at Alexander and see him standing there frozen, too.

He’s staring off into space, but he must feel my eyes on him because he turns and looks at me.

I can’t read the look on his face, but he looks just as scared and nervous as I’m feeling.

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