Page 2 of Vegas Vows

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It didn’t take me long to see that while she might look like an angel with her clear porcelain skin and big green eyes, she actually had a wicked sense of humor and was just as sarcastic as I was.

She can get on my last nerve, always messing with me, teasing me, especially when I’ve had a bad day, but she can make me laugh like no one else. She’s just as smart-mouthed as me and her dry humor matches perfectly with mine. Plus, she’s loyal to a fault.

She’s kind, too, although she hates for me or anyone else to see it. She brought chicken noodle soup to me, along with some work, when I was home sick two months ago. When I mumbled out a thank you, she had mumbled back that she had poisoned it.

In other words, she’s fucking perfect.

I’ve wanted her since the day I hired her, but she’s also the best assistant I’ve ever had. And it’s been amazing not to have to do interviews, let alone train a new employee, every few weeks.

My family likes to remind me of how lucky I am to have found Eden and I know my brothers, Ames and Anthony, especially love to give me shit. They both hit on Eden every time they see her, just to rile me up. I know that they don’t have any real interest in her. They just think it’s hilarious to mess with me and I keep telling them it isn’t fucking funny.

Unfortunately for me, Anthony is a professional comedian and claims to be the authority on what is and isn’t funny. Luckily, we don’t see them often since Anthony lives in California and Ames works as a tattoo artist in Pittsburgh.

I had warned them when I first hired her that she was off limits. She was too good of an assistant and I didn’t want them messing this up for me. I wonder now if anyone in my family actually bought that line.

“Our reservations are all set, right?” I ask as the town car pulls up in front of the Bellagio Hotel.

“For the millionth time, yes, our reservations are all set. Do you not remember we went over all of this back in New York? Maybe I should make you a doctor appointment and they can run some tests on that brain of yours,” she says, tapping me on the forehead.

I swipe away her hand but she just laughs, kicking open her door as the car coasts to a stop.

I try not to stare at her ass as she climbs out of the town car and brushes her hands over the tight fabric, smoothing away the wrinkles from the flight and car ride as best she can.

She’s always wearing tight dresses and high heels. I used to think that she was doing it to drive me crazy, but after a while, I realized she didn’t even know what affect her body has on me.

Eden might not have noticed, but my mom definitely has. She keeps dropping hints about how sweet Eden is and how she wishes she had a daughter like her. It doesn’t help that Eden got snowed in last year and ended up spending Christmas with us. My mom even bought her a stocking with her name on it and hung it next to mine, giving me a pointed look as she did it.

I don’t know how to tell her that Eden doesn’t see me like that and I’m not willing to do anything to jeopardize having her as my assistant.

I slide out of the car, tipping the driver as he grabs our luggage from the trunk. Eden is back on her phone, frowning down at the screen as she angrily types out something.

“Everything alright?” I ask, nudging her with my elbow as I grab both of our suitcases and wheel them into the hotel.

“Yeah, it’s D.R.’s assistant. She’s the freaking worst. I wonder if he’s sleeping with her, because she’s unbelievably terrible at her job,” Eden mumbles, tapping her fingers against the screen a little harder than necessary.

I let her type out her email, nudging her along with me as we wait in the line to check in. She finally puts her phone away and looks up.

“Oh, I wanted to wait outside and watch the fountain show,” she says, her neck craning as she tries to look back toward the doors.

“You can do that later. Let’s get checked in first.”

She sighs, long and loud, acting like I just ruined her day. I ignore that to and try to stop her as she grabs her bag from me as we step up to the counter. She gives me an annoyed look and I give in, letting her take the handle as I follow her up to the front counter.

I try to look anywhere but at her ass as I follow her up to the counter.

I fail.



“Hi, the reservation is under Camrie,”I tell the girl at hotel registration and she gives me a practiced smile, her eyes scanning over Alexander appreciatively before her fingers start to fly over the keyboard as she looks up our room numbers.

I try really hard not to roll my eyes at the way she checks him out. We get it, he looks like a Greek god or some kind of Calvin Klein underwear model, but you don’t need to eye fuck him. Definitely not right in front of me. I mean, she doesn’t know that I’m his assistant. We could be in love and here in Vegas to celebrate Valentine’s Day together.

I almost snort at my own thoughts. Alexander doesn’t see me like that. He probably doesn’t even know that it’s almost Valentine’s Day.

I glance over my shoulder, noticing that Alexander isn’t paying her any attention. He’s frowning at his phone and I take a moment to study him.

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