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It didn’t matter, though. What mattered was that the peace I’d been searching for was now within my reach, and I was going to grab it and never let go.

The moment my toes met the smooth stone of my people’s sacred place, my body stilled.

Wind rolled down my skin and through my hair.

A shiver followed it through my spine, and a welcome but unfamiliar feeling slowly swelled in my chest.


My eyes stung as the wind brushed over my skin. It was picking up speed, whipping through my hair.

It occurred to me as my feet left the ground, that I’d made a mistake. My people always wore magic-proof gloves, to anchor themselves so they didn’t get lost in their magic, yet I had none.

“I won’t lose you to anything,”Laith’s low voice murmured in my mind.“You belong to me as much as you belong to the wind, Lemay.”

My heart swelled bigger, somehow.

And I felt the wind’s approval of our bond, deep within my soul.

Laith wasn’t an elemental, but fate had paired us together, and the land respected that. We wouldn’t need a mating ceremony or to exchange vows; our bond was one that nothing could affect. Not our own insecurities or hesitations, or all-powerful magic that possessed a soul of its own.

The wind lifted me higher, and I felt its power seeping into me and changing me. It breathed life into me—but it did so in a way that transformed me, too. I felt Laith’s dark magic settle in, back to the accessible place it had lingered before my mother passed on. I felt his lunar magic slide through my mind and body, braiding itself together with my wind and darkness.

I wasn’t an elemental fae, or a night fae—I was a combination of the two.

And perhaps I would never have a single place to call my home, but the man who had carried me up a mountain?

Hewas my home.

He would remain with me, regardless of where I went or what I did.

Places could be destroyed or taken from me; a home that I found in the soulmate fate had blessed me with would be a much more permanent one. Whether in life or death, we would be tied together. One mind, and one soul.

And no one or thing could take that from us.

My eyes stung as the wind carried me up higher, into the clouds and sky. It took its time claiming and transforming me, but I never lost sight of who I was.

Laith was there to remind me every fucking second of the way.

And that was everything I could ever need.

Eventually,the wind lowered me back to the ground. The other couple seemed to have left, and I found myself engulfed immediately in a set of massive arms, my face plastered to a strong, hard chest.

Laith was releasing me a moment later, his hands on my face, and arms, and legs as he checked me for health. I was already thicker and stronger, my curves far more defined than they had ever been before.

I assumed that was the shape I was supposed to be, before my illness had begun sapping away my strength.

“You’re alive,” my mate breathed to me, his eyes hot and relieved. “And fucking breathtaking.”

“You said that even while I was sick,” I teased him. My voice even sounded slightly different to me, but I didn’t mind the difference.

He was right; I was alive.

And that was what mattered.

“You’ve always been fucking breathtaking to me—and you always will be.” With that, I was crushed back into his arms, and his lips were hot on mine. Our bodies pressed tightly together, and he only pulled away long enough to growl at me, “You’re not going anywhere in this fucking dress. I don’t care what your people’s clothes cost; we’re paying it.”

A snort escaped me, and then we were kissing again.
