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“We should go to bed,” Ben said, sliding off Simon’s lap then standing up.

“Oh,” Simon said, feeling his spirits fall. “Good night, then. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Simon,” Ben said, sounding like he thought Simon was the biggest idiot in the world, “I thought we’d go to bed together. Here. Or in my room, if that’s better. I was hoping to see you in the morning when I open my eyes. I’ve got so many things to think about right now. It would be nice to not be alone with all those thoughts.”

Simon thought of sleeping beside Ben and his unreliable heart soared with hope. “I’d like that,” he said slowly, not wanting to break the spell that had wrapped itself around him and Ben. “Very much.”

“Good. Which side should I sleep on?”

“You can sleep wherever and however you like as long as I get to wake up next to you.”

Ben fixed him with a skeptical gaze. “Which side of the bed do you normally sleep on, Simon?”

“The right.”

“Good.” Ben nodded, then took off his robe. Under it he was nude. “Then I’ll take the left.”


Ben Is Blown Away

Monday, December 18

Simon’s bedroom

The Gold Coast

Ben slipped out of his robe and into the huge bed while Simon had his back turned. He took a moment to starfish under the soft covers and relish the squishy mattress and pillows. It felt like heaven, or at least like one of those fluffy clouds that angels were supposed to hang out on. When Simon turned around and pulled up the covers on his side of the bed, Ben drew back to his side of the bed.

“Will you come here?” Simon asked. “Can I kiss you?”

That was “yes” and “hell yes” as far as Ben was concerned. He swam under the bedding until he got to Simon then melted into his side like he’d always dreamed he would after Silver Fox found him. His dream version of Simon, however, had been insubstantial. The real Simon smelled incredible, was deliciously warm, and had soft lips and a slightly scruffy face. Ben supposed Simon needed to shave, but he liked the feeling of it against his own face. He imagined beard burns in all sorts of areas and blushed. Thankfully, it was too dark to see, even with the light of the dying fire.

Ben touched his lips to Simon’s, then his tongue. Simon wrapped his arms around Ben and rolled them so Ben lay underneath him. Simon’s kisses were a little clumsy but so eager, Ben didn’t care. He rubbed his bare legs against Simon’s silk-clad ones. It felt incredible, but skin-to-skin would’ve been even better.

Simon pulled back enough to say breathily, “You’re not wearing anything.”

“You, Mr. Prince, are extremely observant,” Ben said solemnly.

“Were you planning on getting into my bed, Benny?”

“Maybe,” he said, drawing the word out like pulled taffy.

“You only want me for my body,” Simon teased.

“You are pretty hot,” Ben allowed. “But you’re also sweet and kind, and I’m pretty sure you mean the best even when you get things absolutely wrong.”

“High praise,” Simon said lightly, but there might have been a sliver of hurt in there, too.

“Best intentions aren’t everything,” Ben said, “but I can appreciate them all the same.” He wrapped his arms around Simon’s neck. “Kiss me again.”

Simon obliged him over and over until Ben lost count of the kisses. They moved from his lips to his cheeks and jaw and chin, then trailed down his throat. “I have never wanted anyone or anything as much as I want you right now,” Simon said, “and I have no idea what to do with that.”

Ben grinned. “It’s not rocket science, you know.”

“Rocket science might be easier.”

“Stop worrying that you don’t know anything. It’s not important. Do what feels good.”
