Page 33 of Polar's Light

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“Of course,” Em responded. “Brock, would you show them where they can stay?”

Brock nodded. “You can follow the dirt road through the trees there. It winds around a bit you’ll pass two turn offs for cabins then turn left at the third one. There’s a set of three cabins. They should already have bedding. We’ve been getting them set up as more and more people arrive. I’ll cut through the trees and meet you there.”

“Mind if I walk with you?” Thomas asked.

“Me, too,” Ryan added. “It’s been a long drive, and I’d really appreciate stretching my legs.”

Laramie glanced at Fletch, giving a slight nod.

“Milo and I were getting ready to head that way, too. Our cabins aren’t far from where you’ll be staying. I’m Fletch, by the way. Nice to meet you.”

They all shook hands before Sam spoke up again.

“Is Jensen Holloway here by chance?”

“Why do you need Jensen?” Brock asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I mentioned my wife’s pregnant. She’s due in the next few weeks. That’s part of the reason we came, too. I was told he’s one of the best doctors for our kind. I want to make sure my wife has the safest delivery possible. We’re both a little nervous. First child,” he offered with a sheepish grin.

“Jensen’s seeing to other patients right now, but we’ll send him your way as soon as he’s free. Exactly how far along is she?” Laramie asked.

“Eight months. She could deliver any time in the next four weeks,” Sam told them.

“Head on to the cabins,” Em said. “Let her rest. I’ll send some food with one of the others, so she won’t have to worry about heading back this way for dinner. We can plan to meet her in the morning.”

“Thank you, Em,” Sam said then hurried around the car to get back in the driver’s side.

“This way,” Brock told Ryan and Thomas.

“Ryan, Thomas, and Thad, right?” Milo asked as they walked.

Thomas laughed. “Yes, Thad is actually Thaddeus, but he shortened that as soon as he could.”

“We have another brother,” Ryan told them. “Roman. He’s still in Washington, for now.”

“Is he planning to head this way?” Brock asked.

“More than likely,” Ryan answered. “He’s—”

“Fletch!” Helen yelled, interrupting Ryan and pulling Fletch’s gaze to where she was just stepping out of one of the medical buildings. She was grinning as she bounded down the steps, but she faltered as she took in the two new arrivals with them. Her hand came up to cover her mouth, and a cry filled the air.

“Thomas!” she sobbed. “Ryan! Oh, my God!”

She took off running and launched herself at the two men, who caught her instantly, crushing her between them as they all held tightly to one another.

“You’re here. You’re really here.”

Helen said it, but so did the men, and as they stood together, Fletch knew he was looking at two of her brothers. Holy shit! Helen’s family had found them.

Chapter Fourteen

Helen couldn’t stop crying or touching her brothers. She couldn’t believe they were standing in front of her. She felt Fletch run his hand along her side, and she immediately turned into him, burying her face in his chest as she continued to sob.

“Shh, baby. I’m right here,” Fletch murmured in her ear.

“You’re mated.”

That was Thomas’ no-nonsense tone, stating the obvious. It was so normal that Helen cried harder.
