Page 36 of Polar's Light

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They kept things light, sharing stories but nothing too serious. Not yet. Helen knew that would come, but she saw the exhaustion in her sister’s face, and she thought she might have something to do with that. She imagined Hadley had worried as much about her as she had about her.

“Why don’t you rest for a little bit, love,” Sam whispered to Hadley.

“Do you mind if I go with you?” Helen asked and felt tears threaten at the way her little sister’s face lit up.

“Yes!” Hadley cried, using her mate to push to her feet.

They’d shared a room when they were younger. Even as teenagers. With six kids in the house, all of them had shared rooms. Thomas and Roman, Ryan and Thad, and Helen and Hadley. Many nights, she and her sister had stayed up late, giggling and sharing secrets and dreams.

“Do you mind?” she asked Fletch.

He leaned in, kissing her softly. “Of course not. Milo and I will go into town and grab some pizza for dinner.”

“And Coke?” Helen asked.

“If that’s what you want,” Fletch promised.

“And milk,” Hadley begged with a moan. “God, I missed the taste of milk.”

Helen and Fletch shared a glance that had her grinning.

“I’ll go with you,” Thomas offered.

“Me, too,” Ryan jumped in.

Fletch kissed her goodbye while Sam led Hadley toward one of the bedrooms. Helen noted Thad led Megan to the other bedroom and remembered how Thomas had shared how protective of Hadley the other woman was. She was glad her sister had found someone to trust when she’d probably needed someone most.

“Helen,” Sam called to her as he stepped out of the bedroom. He surprised her by hugging her. “Hadley has spoken so much about you that I feel as if I already know you.”

“I’m glad she has you. I can tell she’s happy.”

“I hope so,” Sam agreed. “She’s my whole world. She and our baby. I still can’t believe we found each other. Your sister will tell you I saved her life, but don’t let her fool you. She’s the one who saved mine.”

With that, he gave her another quick squeeze then held the door open for her, pulling it closed after she stepped in to join her sister. Hadley was already on the bed, shoes off and under the cover. Helen quickly stripped off her own shoes and snuggled up to her sister.

Hadley wiped at her tears. “I missed you so much.”

Fifteen. Hadley had been fifteen when they’d been taken. Helen had been seventeen. Girls on the cusp of womanhood. Sisters who’d never dreamed they’d be torn apart and placed in hell.

“I can’t believe you’re here with me,” Helen shared, wiping at her sister’s tears while hers spilled down her cheeks. “All of you. And I’m going to be an aunt.”

Hadley ran her hand over her bulging belly. “Soon. I just wish Mom and Dad could be here with us.”

“I know,” Helen agreed as she moved closer until they were both on their sides, faces inches apart. “I want to know everything, Hadley.”

“Same,” Hadley agreed. “Especially that sexy hunk who couldn’t keep his gaze off you.”

Helen giggled. “You’re one to talk. Sam? Wow!”

Hadley fanned herself. “He’s definitely a wow.”

They both wiggled even closer, until their noses touched. Their hands wrapped together, holding tightly to one another.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” Hadley whispered.

“I missed you, Had,” Helen whispered back. “I missed you so much.”

