Page 14 of Slash

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What had he thought he’d been seeing?

Did he know about Erion?

Did he think Cillian and I were working together, and possibly against, him and his brother?

Shit was starting to get interesting in this town.

And yet all I could seem to think about was Nyx and her strange mood.

“Fuck,” I hissed, reaching to run a hand down my face.

I needed to get it the fuck together.



Have you ever made a mistake so huge that it fucks up your entire life?

That was what Czar Petcova was to me.

The biggest mistake of my fucking life.

In my defense, the man had been hot.

Stupid hot.

The kind of guy who you might see strutting across a stage in leather pants with no shirt having hundreds of women toss their panties at him hot.

Tall, fit, dark-haired, golden-brown-eyed, with a jaw that could cut glass, thick lashes, ink, and that kinda sexy smirk that said he was always up to no good.

Yeah, that was what Czar was.

Always up to no good.

And to a younger, stupider, reckless version of myself, all that charm, and all that danger, it was pure catnip to me.

Czar had sauntered his sexy ass into town when I was the ripe old age of nineteen, just recently finished with high school, and not sure what the fuck I wanted to do with my life.

It wasn’t like there was any college money lying around. Mom traded every spare buck she had for booze.

And, well, I was just never that great of a student. Not stupid, just distracted. I did great on those asinine standardized tests. It was the whole paying attention in class and, you know, actuallyshowing upto class part that I sucked at.

So there were no scholarships in my future either.

Shady Valley didn’t have a whole lot of options when it came to career opportunities. Especially back then. It had been growing slowly but surely since then, but in my late teens, the career opportunities were to work at the prison, the grocery store, the diner, the school, the police station, or the bar.

I had too much ink for the grocery store.

Too much of a distaste for authority for the prison.

Not a kind enough attitude for the diner.

And, well, too many minor run-ins with the cops to have them let me work there.

I’d been casually considering getting a license to drive a school bus. But, well, I didn’t exactly trust myself not to curse out the little shits if they got fresh with me.

So, yeah, the bar it was.
