Page 33 of Hunted Bride

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“It is that bad?”

“Every time I go over, it is like getting hit in the face with arousal, and it isn’t mine to start with. I know it is new for them, and that’s great, but one of us has to work, and I can’t do it in that pheromone cloud.”

He frowned. “I didn’t know it was so bad.”

“Ulric is getting kicked into premature heat because Bella just finished hers, and their alphas are very attentive.”

He sighed. “And yours is not.”

“No. I had to go on suppressors because of this.”

He looked stricken. “Why?”

Aggie and Maura moved to another table.

“Because going into heat and having to work isn’t something I can do.” She shrugged. “I am now stuck on them until after the wedding, or I will be out of commission for a week or longer.” She flexed her fingers. “They make me feel weird though. Kinda numb.”

He checked the chair he was seated on and slowly pulled her onto his lap. His kiss was deliberate and careful, and when he lifted his head, he searched her features. “What dose are you taking?”

“I dunno. Whatever I bought. Black market. They don’t tailor them for you. It’s kind ofan at your own riskissue.”

His mouth twitched, and he asked, “Were you in heat?”

“I was getting there. Hot skin, super sensitive, hypersensitive to scent.”

He sighed and kissed her again. She waited it out but didn’t climb him like she normally did. “Stop the suppressors.”

“What? We still have three weeks to go.”

“We are close enough. Please, stop taking them.”

“I can’t. Work still has to happen.”

“Fuck that. This shouldn’t be this stressful. He’s had a week, and he’s engaged. Their pack can go on honeymoon.”

He picked up his phone and dialled. “Loki. What the fuck are you doing?”

There was mumbling.

“Where is Polly?”


“You know what happens when you put a sensitive beta around omegas and alphas rutting? She put herself on suppressors so that she could keep your business running smoothly.”

There was a shocked exclamation from Loki and then a mumble.

“It ends today. Get back to work. She’s taking time off. She’s fucking numb right now.”

She frowned, and her phone alarm started beeping. “I should get that.”

He grabbed it for her and slid his thumb across it. “It sayspills. I am guessing you are due right now?”

She nodded.

“Where are they?”

She patted her purse.
