Page 34 of Hunted Bride

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“Will you stop taking them? Please?”

She took her phone and sent a text to Loki.Can I have some time off? I am not good.

She put her head down on Minoru’s chest and shuddered. Aggie brought her a cup of water with a straw and another cup of coffee.

The text arrived and said,I am so sorry, Polly. Take all the time you need.

“I will stop taking them.”

“Can I see the schedule?”

She handed him the phone, and he checked the schedule and hissed. “Damn. Even with a prescription, you shouldn’t have taken it like this.”

“Is it going to damage me?”

“No, but you are going to have an uncomfortable few days. How long have you been taking them?”

“Five days.”

“It will take two or three just to purge it from your system, and from then, you will have to deal with the snap back of the paused hormones kicking in. I will stay home with you until it’s over and you are back to your normal self.”

She swallowed. “And then what?”

“And then we get married.”

She sighed. “So, because I did something stupid, I lose a week.”

“The drugs can cause seizures and heart issues. You are getting away lightly and will go for a full exam after your detox.”

She sighed and reached for the cup of water. Flushing out her system would have to start now. She got the coffee next, and Minoru rubbed her shoulder.

Maura and Aggie came back to the table, and while she hydrated, they chatted about wedding details, and Aggie mentioned a girls’ night.

“I am all for it. I know what you two can do, and Polly is gaining some of my strengths, and she can do some damage, but she needs backup.”

Polly blinked. She smiled slightly. He trusted her skills. It was good to know.

She made her way through the drinks, and Maura asked, “Polly, give me your keys. I will park your car somewhere safe.”

“Okay, you have to turn the key two-thirds of the way, turn it back toaccessory, and then fully to start.” She sighed and then explained the other tricks to making her car progress.

Maura grinned. “I used to have a car like that. I shot it.”

Minoru looked down at Polly. He just narrowed his eyes and then said their goodbyes and walked to his car. He tucked her inside and followed her. He stated, “Home, please.”

The vehicle started moving, and he kept her against him as they headed home.

Nari had a tray with water and sports drinks and set it next to the bed so she could turn down the bed. Jiji supervised the whole procedure. Minoru carried Polly into the bathroom to help her get naked and take a shower before drying her and wrapping her in a sleeping robe.

She took a few steps toward the bedroom and jerked toward the doorframe as her muscles spasmed.

He caught her and lifted her. “You are starting quickly. I am going to have to get that dose analyzed.”

She swallowed. “Sorry for the fuss.”

“You did what you had to do to keep things going when Loki needed his assistant to take over. The suppressors were not the most clever move, but I understand that the pheromones clogged your senses.”

He knelt and set her down on the bed. “Do you need something to drink?”
