Page 7 of Hunted Bride

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She stepped back into the room, and the room attendant took her dress over her arms and left with it.

Minoru was back and had a wide flat box sitting next to him. She knelt next to him and inclined her head to him and Loki.

Loki snickered. “It’s a good thing that you have to dress like that at home. You were quick.”

Minoru blinked. “Dress like that at home?”

Loki nodded. “Sure. We use yukata at home, so there is a line between work and home.”

Polly nodded. “At my place, I wear sweatshirts and footy pyjamas.”

Minoru looked at her. “What do you find more comfortable?”

She twisted her lips. “Frankly, it would depend on which bra I wore that day.”

Loki snickered, and the food started coming in.

They washed their hands, and the grilled fish was served on a bed of rice. A bowl of ramen was on the table, and Loki was laughing as Minoru handed her the bowl filled with noodles, slices of pork, and small vegetables, and she giggled as she took the bowl from him. She dove into the noodles as they worked on the fish, and by the time she had finished her bowl, she was left with the head. She picked at the head and got the cheeks, settled them on rice, and added some of the seared vegetables. She nibbled and ate until her bowl was empty, and then the next course arrived.

They went through three courses and a mochi dessert, and Polly was stuffed.

She looked at the pretty items left on the plate and couldn’t make herself eat anymore.

Minoru sighed. “Polly, you eat like a bird.”

“If there is a bird that eats like me, it must be huge.” She put her chopsticks on the tiny rest.

Minoru laughed, and Loki continued to eat the mochi.

Minoru picked up a cute mochi mouse with a strawberry inside and held it to her lips. “Just one more. You can take it.”

She glared at him, and his expression changed to that of the ogre. “Open, Polly.” The mochi was held between his razor claws.

She muttered, “The next time I hear that, there had better be snacks involved.”

“There are snacks involved now. Open.”

She rolled her eyes and flipped off Loki as he silently laughed. She opened her mouth, fully aware of the training that her alpha was starting. He was trying to develop a trust response, and she let the terrifying ogre feed her a mochi that looked like a tiny mouse but had a strawberry and red bean paste inside.

She brought her hand up to catch the strawberry juice, but he pulled her close and caught it on his tongue. Clever bastard. His teeth pressed against her lips, his tongue licked at the juice, and she finished swallowing the remains of the mochi.

He held her head and kissed her softly until she was relaxed and limp in his hands. He raised his head, and his public face was back with a satisfied smirk. He rubbed his thumb across her lower lip.

“I have something for you.”

“I can’t say anything that won’t make Loki die of laughter.” Polly smiled and looked at Minoru.

Loki chuckled. “I am waiting for something. I know your wit.”

Minoru smiled. “Perhaps I should have done it privately.”

Loki snorted. “Too late.”

He handed her the box that had been at his side during dinner, and he opened it, lifting the necklace and putting it around her neck. He even arranged her hair over the chain and smiled. “It looks pretty.”

She looked down and blinked at the huge emerald that actually seemed to be swirling inside the confines of its structure. There was fire inside.

“It has ogre fire, and it will summon me if you ever have need of me. It will also let me feel you.”
