Page 8 of Hunted Bride

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She looked up at him and then lifted the gem in her hand. It was warm and felt alive. It was also the size of the first segment of her thumb. She swallowed. “Is there anything smaller that could do the same thing?”

“No. Reconcile yourself to wearing a necklace worth as much as a house in the suburbs.” Minoru laughed.

She carefully set the necklace down, and it nestled into her robe, working under the layers until it touched her skin. She blinked. “Holy crap.”

Minoru laughed. “I will charge it up for you before you leave.”

“Charge it how?”

He purred. “I am very glad you asked.” She was gathered onto his lap, and he kissed her senseless. The pendant spread warmth through all of her limbs, and she was dangling in his arms in under two minutes.

It took her three tries to grab his jaw and push him back. “Enough. Any more and I am gonna pass out.”

He chuckled. “My blessed bride, we are going to have to work on your stamina. It’s a good thing that we have months to do it.”

She shivered. “Oh. Yay.”

He laughed, and Loki lost it. He hooted with laughter as he rolled around on the mats.

Polly sighed, and the throbbing of the fire between her breasts was hard to ignore.

A few more days and she would be on her way home. Sixteen hours after that, she would be back in her bed and pondering what the hell had just happened. If she drank, this would all make more sense. As it was, she needed to get off Minoru’s lap and get back to her room. Something told her that it would be easier to sculpt Minoru out of mochi than to get her out of his grasp. She was well and truly caught.

Loki looked at her as they went over the contracts and the dimensions of the space the hotels were offering. “Are you cool with Minoru?”

She met his gaze. “What do you mean?”

“With becoming his wife. It feels like a strange arrangement.”

“Dude, I have the claw marks of an eight-foot-tall mythical monster on my back. Actually, meeting one was rather comforting. At least there is a reason for it. A giant fucking signpost for the guys to follow.”

He smiled. “So, somewhere out there is a woman with nine tails coming out of her back?”

“Or a cute little fox with charm in her eyes.” She laughed as he blinked

He paused and then smiled slowly. “I think that would be a wonderful discovery. Minoru is talking about stealing you, presenting you at his side, and starting a family, and those words got into my brain.”

She chuckled. “Uh-huh. I am still shocked that I got that writ from Minoru that let me bring the necklace through customs without penalty. Was that really the minister of trade’s signature?”

“Of course. Minoru’s mother’s family has been well respected, and it is her jewel that you wear.”

“I liked meeting his grandfather and grandmother, but they were awfully pinchy.” She smiled and rubbed her cheeks. “I don’t know if they were testing for youth or trying to tenderize me.”

“You really need to learn Japanese.”

“I know. I can normally pick up the nouns, but there was something about the way they spoke that was formal. I couldn’t catch on.”

Loki chuckled. “I know Minoru faked the translation, but they basically said that you would make a good wife, and if not, a good meal.”

She laughed. “Yeah, that’s what it felt like. So, for them, it is breed or bread.”

He snorted, and they laughed as their plane made its way over the open ocean. Home was on the other end of the voyage, plus or minus some domestic flights.

Five days after returning home, Polly had her schedule back in place and Loki’s as well. When her phone rang, she answered, “Hello? Polly speaking.”

The low growl made her knees go weak. “Hello, Polly. I have touched down and gotten a good night’s sleep. Would you be interested in coming over for dinner?”

“Uh, hey, Minoru. Um, yes?”
